Fort - B.B.

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You walked into your office to find Bucky has made himself a fort with your bookshelf and the fuzzy white chair. You put your stuff down on your couch which still amazes you that he doesn't sleep on it. You closed the door.

You go over to the sleeping bear and see his cheeks are slightly flushed. You crouched down and moved his hair out of his face. You felt his forehead and it felt really warm. He stirred in his sleep and you kissed his temple. He smiled and you twirled a strand of his chestnut locks. He opened his eyes and you smiled at him.

"You feeling okay, Bucky?" You asked tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear.

He shook his head no and buried it into his pillow. You took off your heels and put them off to the side. You then take off your blazer and put it on the chair. You're so happy you decided to wear pants and a white T-shirt today.

You get into his fort and lay down beside him. You wrapped your arms around him slowly knowing he doesn't like sudden movements. You kissed his cheek softly and he sniffled burying his head into your shoulder.

"I d-don't feel good and I- I don't l-like the
n-nightmares," he sobbed and he sounds like he has a cold and he's clinging onto your shirt.

You rubbed his back really feeling for him and you really wish he didn't have to deal with the nightmares. You can at least help out with the colds.

"I don't like my nightmares either," you said after he calmed down a little.

Bucky pulled away and looked you in the eyes. He covered you with the fuzzy blanket and holds it tightly.

"W-What are they about?" He asked.

"Before I joined Tony's army of assistants, I was a fighter pilot for the Navy —technically I still am since I'm in the reserves —but anyways they always... consist of me crashing into the ocean and the jet just sinking deeper into the water all the way to the bottom and I'm just stuck there with nobody finding me," you said. "I know it's not as bad as yours—."

"I'd find you," Bucky said.

"Glad to know—," you said and an intern comes.

"TOBY! Ya gotta knock! If the door is closed, you knock!" You snapped looking at the intern. "Didn't your mother teach you anything?! Oh wait she was fucking some other guy!"

He tries to explain himself but you keep shushing the poor shrimp. He put down a file on your desk and left closing the door behind himself.

"I fucking hate this job," you said looking at Bucky and he's got a hold of your dog tags.

He just smiles at you.

"My CO would destroy that boy," you said and you laid on your back. "I miss flying."

"You should go back to active duty then," Bucky said pulling you closer.

You nodded and said, "but you wouldn't be able to build forts in my office anymore."

"This has been my office from the gecko until you showed up and I had to share," Bucky sassed.

You bursted out laughing and he laughed with you until he started a coughing fit. You helped him sit up and you rubbed his back. You ended up sitting crisscross facing him.

"Y-you excel at this job but it's not meant for you," Bucky said cupping your face into his hands and the metal is a bit cold.

You placed your hands over his and said, "Tony won't survive."

"Is that such a bad thing?" Bucky asked.

You both giggled and He sniffled.

"I've only been here for 5 months," You said.

"So? I can finally do this," Bucky said and he pressed his lips against yours.

It shocked you and you pushed on his shoulders. He parted and looked away feeling bad.

"As much as I liked that, you are sick! You are gonna get me sick, James!" You said and Bucky smirked and felt relieved.

He tackled you down onto the pillows and smothered you with kisses.

"James!" You squealed.

"We can be sick together, Doll!" Bucky said and he coughed away from you.

You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"You're lucky you're cute," you said and he crinkled his nose trying not to smile.

You pressed your lips against his lips knowing that you'll definitely be sick. He was a bit surprised at first but he did kiss back.

"You're definitely gonna get sick," Bucky said.

"Yeah," You said nodding and you got closer to him burying your head into his chest.

He pulled the blankets up and wrapped his arms around you closely. You both soon fell asleep in his fort.

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