Keep You Safe (2) - S.R.

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Phil Coulson recruited you once he got his super secret base running for the most part. The Avengers are back together for the most part. Steve is still dealing with PTSD. It's been real hard for him since he's trying to keep everything together but he's at the point of breaking. Maria Hill has made Coulson aware of this and Coulson made you aware.

"So, you're letting me go check on my super soldier?" You asked looking at Coulson.

"Yeah. Now, go keep the Captain safe," Coulson said shooing you out of his office.

You just smirked and shook your head leaving.

(Time skip)

You got to the compound and Maria met with you.

"I'm surprised you were willing to come out," Maria said leading you off.

"Pfft, that super soldier is stuck with me whether he likes it or not. Plus, it's like a vacation with a bunch of superheroes," you said. "I might also steal Thor's hammer if I get a chance."

"It's now a war axe," Maria said.

"Damnit," you muttered.


You bursted into the huge gym training room to find Steve sparring with Bucky. You watched his form and he hasn't even noticed your presence but Bucky has. You stepped onto the mat and swiped Steve's legs out from under him when Bucky got him unbalanced. Steve falls onto his back and you're quick to straddle him. You slapped him across the face and grabbed his jaw.

"You're not sharp, Stephen. The enemy will get the upper hand or the bazilyionth child superhero will get your Oreos. You can't let that happen ever," you said sternly and then pointed at Bucky. "He'll steal those leftovers that you've been saving for yourself all day long cause you didn't notice him going into the fridge and snatching them cause you're tired."

Steve just looks at you shocked. He hasn't seen you since the cabin. He's always been wondering what happened to you.

"Have you been eating?" You asked softly. "Don't lie to me."

He shook his head no and he knew he could never lie to you. He's been stressed out too much to worry about himself and his needs. Therefore, meals have been skipped. It also worries Bucky a lot. Bucky was actually the one to go to Maria about it since he trusts her a lot more than anyone else.

"Then we better go get you something to eat," you said getting off of Steve and taking his hand.

You helped him up and Bucky grinned.

"Come on, you're coming too. You look like a hobo," you said looking at Bucky.

He gave an annoyed look but you just gave him a toothy grin. That made Steve chuckle. Steve showed the way to the kitchen and he held your hand the entire time. Bucky followed behind and he already adored you like an annoying little sister.

The three of you entered the kitchen. You started looking through the fridge for anything that you could make. Steve stood off to the side as he still held your hand and you didn't mind at all. Bucky planted himself on a stool at the kitchen island.

(Time skip)

You made the two boys and yourself some lemon chicken.

"What have you been doing?" Bucky asked.

"Well, I was stuck in a cabin with this popsicle and then I was moved onto working with Fury. Then fall of S.H.I.E.L.D happened and now I'm working with a dead guy," you said.

"How is that possible?" Steve asked putting down his fork.

"Aliens," was all you said.

"So, aliens are real?" Bucky asked. 

"Yes, it would be stupid to think we're all alone out in the universe. Have you not seen the Battle of New York?" You asked looking at Bucky.

"No, I was brainwashed at the time," Bucky said.

You put a hand on his shoulder and said, "that sucks. I know what it's like."

"Hydra?" He asked.

You nodded.

"Same," Bucky said.

"Wait," Steve said.

"It was 2 months ago. Shit happens," you said putting a hand on his shoulder. "We survive."

"Yeah, shit does happen, Steve. There's nothing you can do about it and you gotta stop putting other people first especially Sam," Bucky said getting up and clearing everyone's empty plate.

"Or at least stop once a week and take care of yourself," you said as Bucky went into the kitchen. "Have you been sleeping?"

"I try to," Steve said quietly.

You just looked at him raising an eyebrow and he just sighed.

"No, I haven't," He said looking at his hands.

"Let's watch a movie," Bucky said.

You nodded in agreement. You three moved to the couch and Bucky put on The Incredibles.

(Time skip)

You ended up on your back asleep with Steve on top of you. His head is right under your chin facing the back of the couch and he's got his arms around your torso. He's asleep with his mouth slightly opened and you've got an arm around his broad shoulders and a hand on his cheek in his hair. Bucky's already on Lilo & Stitch and he put a blanket over the two of you.

"What's for dinner?" Clint asked walking in with Sam and Tony.

"You're on your own," Bucky said looking back at the three.

"What?! Steve always makes us dinner!" Tony exclaimed.

"Shhhhh! He's asleep!" Bucky said.

"That man never sleeps," Sam said coming over. "It's a bit concerning."

"Oh my god, it's Agent Y/l/n. I thought she was dead," Clint said looking over. "I better go tell Natasha!"

Clint runs off and Tony comes over. He reaches out to poke Steve but you quickly grabbed his wrist and opened your eyes.

"I will fucking murder you, Coca-Cola can," you said. "Don't fucking touch him. He needs his sleep."

You let go of his hand and he quickly retracted it. Sam chuckled.

"You shit heads can survive without him for a couple of days," you said.

"Pfft, we can survive a whole month without him," Tony said which made you smirked and Bucky just shook his head no.

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