Wisdom Teeth - B.B.

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You sat on the couch massaging your cheeks. Your teeth were hurting pretty bad and you hated going the dentist so you tried you're best to last as long as possible before having to go.

Everyone was sitting around the couch talking. You hadn't noticed Tony was talking to you cause you were too distracted by the severe pain in your teeth.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Tony said snapping his fingers in front of your face.

"WHAT??!!" You screamed.

"Jesus! You need to go to the dentist!" Tony says.

"Nah, I'm good," you said lowering your voice and massaging your cheeks.

"WHOSE GONNA TAKE HER?!" Tony yelled looking at everyone.

Everyone said "not it!" Bucky didn't really know not it so he had to take you. He didn't really mind either since he became your best friend and you his (except for Steve). You also had a major crush on the guy since day one and he had one on you, too. But the two of you were too scared to tell each other so you both settled with being best friends.

Natasha and Steve volunteered to also come for shits and giggles.

"Yeah, no," you said getting up and trying to run off. Bucky grabbed you by the waist.

"You gotta go, Doll," Bucky said throwing you over his shoulder.

"I hate this," you said and he chuckled.

Natasha and Steve followed Bucky out. You grabbed onto the door frame as a last attempt before leaving. Bucky tried pulling you off.

"I DONT WANNA GO!" You screamed.

Nat pried you're fingers off the door frame. Everyone was laughing at your attempts to not go.

You four came upon the office. You made a disgusted face at the three.

"I hate you all," you said getting out of the car.

Bucky smirked at you and said, "sure, you do."

You sat in the waiting room. You stared off in the distance and wiped your sweaty palms on your ripped skinny jeans.

You were called back and Natasha went back with you. The doctor checked your teeth out.

"Oh Jesus, you're gonna need surgery right away," the doctor said.

Your eyes widened. It usually would be a week beforehand but you waited so long to come in.

"Should've come sooner, y/n," Nat said placing a hand on your shoulder.

"We should get you into surgery," the doctor said. "we'll knock you out so you won't be awake for it."

A nurse came in and gave you some paperwork. You signed it and they took you to where they would take them out. They knocked you out.

Nat, Bucky, and Steve sat out in the waiting room. Bucky was slightly worried about you but he knew it was routine procedure.

A couple hours later...

"Y/n is awake and you can come back to take her home," a older nurse said.

The three got up and followed her.

"Which one of you is the boyfriend?" The nurse said.

"He is," Nat said pointing at Bucky.

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