Fly, Fly - S.S.

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Imagine: You're a very popular actress in Ukraine and Russia. You're going to the US to play a role in the Marvel Universe, a love interest for Bucky Barnes. However, you fly to New York then to Atlanta.


I just got off the plane and kept my sunglasses on. I looked at my next plane ticket to see I have to get to my gate which is all the way across the airport. I started my trek to the gate and luckily I was smart enough to space out the flights. The airport is absolutely crowded and insane. People keep on bumping into me even though you're supposed to stick to the right. It's common knowledge.

I finally get to the gate to see all the seats are taken and it's gonna be a packed plane. I looked at the board to see that the plane is delayed and I just sighed. I find a corner and plopped myself down on the floor. I take out my portable charger and plugged in my phone.

"Oh my god, we almost missed our flight, Sexy Seabass!" A dark skinned man said to his brunette friend.

"Chocolatechino, it's delayed," the brunette said.

"White mocha, what are we gonna do?!" The dark skinned guy asked.

"We should find somewhere to sit," the brunette said and I started playing on my phone.

"There," the other guy said.

I looked up at my phone to see the two.

"Can we sit by you?" He asked.

"Sure," I said.

They sit down and we sort of make a triangle.

"So, why are you going to Atlanta?" The brunette asked.

"Uhmm, I'm visiting and being a tourist," I lied smoothly not knowing what Marvel wants me to tell people.

"Lame," the dark skinned man said.

"Wow," I said. "Why are you two going there?"

"Work," the brunette said.

"Now, that's lame," I said.

"Except we get to be superheroes," Chocolatechino said.

"So, spandex all day? No?" I asked.

"He has to," the brunette said.

"Yeah, you know, he's gotta lube up his arm every single day," the other said.

"So, you're strippers?" I asked.

He bursted out laughing.

"No, actors," the brunette said.

"Ah," I said. "I'm Eva by the way."

"Sebastian," the brunette said.

"Anthony," Chocolatechino said.

"You're like Russian right?" Sebastian asked.

"Ukrainian," I corrected.

"Oh," he said.

"It's okay, actually half of Ukraine speaks Russian and the other speaks Ukrainian," I said.

"Can you do an American accent?" Anthony asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Can you do it for us?" Sebastian asked excitedly.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked.

"Whatever a stereotypical American might say," Sebastian suggested.

"Oh my god! Did you guys hear about Sara's new boob implants? And it's S-A-R-A with no H! She's very adamant about her name," I said in an American accent. "It's like we get it already, Sara! We're just trying to survive!"

The two bursted out laughing.

"We're just trying to survive!" Anthony said to Sebastian.

"Hey, it's not funny to laugh at Sara and her problems. She's just trying to be the best soccer mom she can be. Her husband is working a full time job as a stripper at the gentleman's club by the five and dime," I said sassily.

The two were dying laughing and I chuckled feeling proud of myself.

(Time skip)

I'm seated in the window seat next to Sebastian and Anthony gets the aisle seat. A couple kids came up to the two of them for autographs which they gladly gave out.

"The best places to go in Atlanta is probably places with working AC," Anthony said.

"Oof," I said.

"You used to the cold?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, it's always cold where I live," I said.

"Ooooh, the humidity is gonna get you," Anthony said.

"Where do you live?" Sebastian asked.

"Saint Petersburg," I said.

"I've been there a couple times for press tours," Sebastian said.

"Is this your first time in the US?" Anthony asked.

I nodded and said, "yeah, I legit got off of my plane from Russia to here in New York and now I'm going to Atlanta."

"Jeez, that's annoying," Sebastian said.

"It's not too bad as long as you get first class," I said smirking.

"Lucky, they always put us in business or lower," Anthony said.

"It could be so much worse," Sebastian said and Anthony groaned rolling his eyes.

The pilot announced that we're ready for take off. The whole 2 hour flight we spent talking, mainly me and Sebastian.

(Time skip)

We walked to baggage claim together and they were stopped by fans a couple times which I didn't mind too much. It also felt real nice that it wasn't me being bombarded.

"Sorry," Sebastian said catching up with me.

"No, it's totally fine. I get it," I said genuinely.

"You sure? It can get annoying," he said.

"Yeah, it could be worse like paparazzi. I know they can be vultures at times," I said.

He nodded and we got to baggage claim. I got my giant suitcase and duffel bag.

"Wait, let me give you my number so we can possibly hangout again," Sebastian said and I took out my phone.

I unlocked it and went into contacts and created a new one. I switched the keyboard to English for him and then I handed him phone. He quickly typed away and gave my phone back.

"I gotta go but I hope to see you soon," he said.

"You too," I said and the two rushed off.

(Time skip... the next day)

I got to the set earlier than I'm supposed to. I'm shown my trailer and I put my backpack down. I'm then led off to the makeup trailer. I take a seat and I put my hair up for the artist. I took out my phone feeling a vibration and the artist immediately starts beginning to do my makeup.

Sebastian: morning

Me: morning!

Sebastian: wyd?

Me: baking

Sebastian: lucky what are you making?

Me: my face.

Sebastian: ????

Me: it's a term for putting on setting powder... for makeup

Sebastian: oh

I put my phone down and the artist added cuts to my face and neck.

"Do you know what's happening on set?" I asked.

"Uh no, I'm just told what to do for the actor," she said.

"Oh," I said.

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