Wait (3) - B.B.

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You and Bucky are in the pool all alone hiding away from everyone. You have your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck. He's holding you in his arms as you two are in the middle of the pool at 5 and a half feet.

"This is great," Bucky said looking up at you.

"I don't know, I think it could get better," you said looking at him.

You leaned down and pressed your lips against his. He was shocked at first but soon got into it. He even tilted his head to get a better angle as he kissed you.

"Look at that, young love," Skye said quietly as her and Ward came into the pool room.

"He's far from young," Ward said.

"He looks 26," Skye said as Sam and Steve came in.

"Oh he got game," Sam said taking off his shirt.

"Sure, he does," Steve said sarcastically as he also took off his shirt and shoes.

"We're gonna ruin the moment?" Sam asked.

"Yup!" Steve said and the two ran over to the deep end and jumped out into the pool.

You screamed holding onto Bucky as water splashed the both of you.

"You dicks," Bucky said flipping them off.

"Hey, Lover Boy! We need our homie back! Wheels up are in five!" Skye said.

"LOVER BOY!" Sam and Steve teased.

You gave Bucky a quick kiss and then swam off. You got out of the pool and Skye gave you a towel which you gladly accepted.

"See ya, Lover Boy!" You said blowing him a kiss.

Bucky quickly got out of the pool and followed you out. He took your wrist and spun you around. He cupped your face and kissed you.

"I'll see you soon and we'll do an actual date," Bucky said with a grin on his face.

"Can't wait," you said blushing.


Bucky has been switching back and forth between you and his daughter. He can't even hold her in his arms or even touch her. He doesn't even know what to name her at all.

"How are you?" Steve asked sitting across from Bucky as they looked at the baby.

"They say that she's declining and my wife hasn't even woken up yet and it's been a week," Bucky said with tears in his eyes. "Everything's just great."

Steve comes over and hugs Bucky.

"It's okay, Buck. You should go home and sleep and spend some time with Brooklyn," Steve said.

"No, I gotta stay here. You should go and give Brooklyn attention. She doesn't even know what's going on," Bucky said looking at his best friend.

"Alright, I know I won't win but I'll be back in the morning," Steve said.

"Thank you, you punk," Bucky said.

"It's nothing, jerk," Steve said.

Steve leaves and it's just Bucky. He looks at the small baby in the incubator fighting for her life. The heart rate monitor goes off.

"No, no no no no," Bucky said shaking his head no as a nurse runs over with a doctor.

Bucky moves off to the side for them to work. He watches what they do and he himself might have a panic attack.

"Sir, we have to get your daughter to surgery," the nurse said.

He just nodded and they just took her away. Bucky backed himself against a wall and he felt the walls closing on him. He slid down to the floor and a couple notices.

"Maya, don't," she said to her wife worried.

"You can't tell me what to do, Jesse, I'm gonna help him," Maya said quietly.

She goes over to Bucky and she crouches down.

"First time dad?" Maya asked.

He nodded and closed his eyes tightly. Maya kept talking to Bucky to calm him down.


You walked down the hallway wearing heels and a dress. You've got a borrowed clutch in hand. Your makeup is done and hair to perfection. You go up to his door and knocked. You heard crashing and destruction.

"Bucky?!" You said starting to get worried.

You grabbed your gun from your thigh holster and opened the door. You go in seeing Bucky so broken and his room is destroyed. He froze and looked at you. He's got tears in his eyes and you knew what was going on. You put the gun and clutch down on the dresser. You go over to him and he shakes his head no.

"No, no, no don't come closer. I'm a m-monster," Bucky cried out.

"You don't look like one. Monsters are fugly, they're gross, they're disgusting, they hide under kid's beds. You're beautiful. You actually shower, Bucky. I'm pretty sure you don't hide under kid's beds cause then we'd have to talk about it," you said slowly coming closer.

You got right up to him and pressed your lips to his cheek. You wrapped your arms around him and he just broke down crying.

"It's okay, baby. I've got you," you said.


Bucky's now waiting at your bedside since he just cannot wait in the NICU for his daughter's surgery to finish.

"Baby, you gotta wake up. I- I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I- I don't know if she's gonna m-make it. She doesn't even know what it's like t-to be held. T-they won't even let me h-hold her," Bucky cried holding your hand. "I just wanna hold her,

He waited for a response he's never gonna get. He wants you to tell him everything is gonna be okay even if it won't. He just needs you.

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