Baby Whisperer - B.B

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Imagine: The Avengers find a baby and they all immediately become attached to it. Though, the baby only seems to like Bucky. He's become the baby whisperer of you.


You cried and cried. Nobody could do anything to stop you. Bucky and Steve were off on a mission so your favorite Avenger is gone and nothing could stop you from screaming and crying until he returns. It's practically what happens until you've exhausted yourself enough to just fall asleep.

"What do we do?!" Natasha asked looking at Clint as she rocked you but you weren't having it.

"Honestly, we just gotta let her cry it out until Barnes returns," Clint said taking you.

"But she's barely eaten anything, Clint, I'm starting to worry about this insane child," Natasha said worried.

"Yeah, I know. Maybe, Bruce can do an IV of nutrients or something until then," Clint said as you kept crying out and Natasha groaned.

Clint kept rocking you and trying anything and everything. Nat pulled out her phone and found a picture of a selfie that Bucky took by accident and ended up being sent to her. She showed the picture to you and you calmed down immediately. Tears still rolled down your cheeks and she quickly pulled you and Clint into the kitchen. She gave him her phone and she worked on getting you a bottle. Clint kept the picture up and into your view as he held you. You reached out your tiny little hands for Bucky but got a bottle in them instead. You started getting teary eyed but you ate.

You finished off the whole bottle which was a relief for the two but you started screaming and crying again. You just had to have Bucky near at all times. He was pretty much the only one you like trusted even though you're only 5 months old.

It's 3am now. Bucky comes into the loft to see everyone wide awake and you just screaming. He goes over and picks you up off of Clint's chest. He rubbed your back and held you against his chest.

"Shhhh, I'm back, Y/n," Bucky cooed and everyone sighed relieved.

"You can't leave her alone with us," Clint groaned.

"Why?" Bucky asked rocking you.

"She cried and whined and screamed for three weeks straight. She wouldn't eat or sleep. She's practically a demon," Wanda said. "I've had to make her sleep multiple times just so I could too. She missed you deeply."

"Sorry, maybe I won't go on such long missions next time," Bucky said as you whimpered missing him.

He took you down to his room. He kicked off his boots and climbed into the bed all while holding you. He laid down on his back and had you on his chest. He pulled the blanket over your back up to your shoulders. He rubbed your back and soon enough you fell asleep. He smiled to himself and soon fell asleep with you.

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