Trials - B.B./S.W.

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"Where's your surprise witness, Mr. Judd?" The judge asked looking at Bucky's lawyer.

You walked into the courtroom and everyone turns to you. Your face is scratched up and bleeding from some cuts. You've got a bullet graze against your bicep. Bucky is in shock. He hasn't seen you in years neither has Steve.

"Sorry, I'm late, your honor. I tried telling the people who were trying to kill me that I had this thing to get to but they didn't listen," you said making your way down the pathway and holding your side.

"Your honor, Y/n Barnes," Bucky's lawyer said as a guard opened the gate for you.

You looked over at your little brother and you're ashamed that you didn't help him sooner. He's all shackled up and wearing an orange jumpsuit when he should be wearing the nicest suit he could find or get.

You sat down in the semi comfortable chair and Bucky's lawyer comes up to you.

"What is your relationship to Mr. Barnes?" He asked.

"Did you just call him Mr. Barnes?" You asked.

"Yes. Please-," he started saying.

"That's disgusting. You're making him sound like our father when he's no where near like him. His name is Bucky. I was three when I called him that," you said leaning into the mic and looking at Bucky. "And to answer your question, he is my little brother."

Bucky is wanting to cry and hug you but he couldn't. He clenched his jaw and looked at you as tears welled in his eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking, where have you been for the past 70 years? —Know what, how about recently?"

"I've been at Hydra base in Russia," you said and there's gasps throughout the courtroom.


"I've been undercover for about 3 years under Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D," you said which relieved Bucky slightly.

You continued back and forth with the lawyer.

"Oh shit," you said pulling a flash drive out of your pocket and you hand it to Bucky's lawyer. "This should prove his innocence."

He gave you a small smile and looked at the judge.

"I have some new evidence," he said.

(Time skip)

You watched the videos of Bucky being tortured to the point where he doesn't know his name. You clenched your jaw tightly and a tear slid down your face. Bucky kept his head down and did not watch any of it. Steve placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder the entire time. The jurors were horrified and most already had made up their minds.

(Time skip)

"The jury has decided that Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes is in fact not guilty."

You gave Steve a side hug before hopping over the gate. Bucky looked at you as they unlocked his handcuffs and the chains. He immediately hugged you and you wrapped your arms around him.

"You're alive," Bucky whispered as tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"Duh, I couldn't let you be out on your o-own, baby brother," you said choking back a sob.

He held onto you tighter and didn't want to let go.

(Time skip)

You woke up to Bucky's slight snoring in the cabin. You, Steve, Sam, and Bucky have been hiding away from the press for the next couple of months. You and Bucky are on the big leather couch and he's laying on top of you. His head is underneath your chin and his arms are wrapped around your waist. He's never really left your side since the whole trial.

"I still don't know how you're alive," Steve said shuffling in and going into the kitchen.

You flipped him off as Sam plants himself down by Bucky's feet which he has fuzzy crocodile socks on that you bought him at a gift shop.

"How did you even get that shit? Like we had it but it was all erased before the trial," Sam said looking at you.

"Shhhhhhhhh," Bucky hissed.

"Oh my god, he's a fucking snake now," you said.

"Language," Steve said as he started making breakfast.

"You better fucking watch it, Stephen. I can make your life a living hell, ya dumbass," you said sternly. "I know for a fact that you swear more than I do."

"Sure, grandma," Steve said.

"Pops, you're pushing it," you said pointing at Steve.

He put his hands up as he looked for a pan.

"Wow, this is how old people talk to each other," Sam said.

"I'm a bit kinder than they are to each other," Bucky mumbled.

(Time skip)

You and Sam sat outside looking at the stars while the other two have gone to bed or so you thought. You and Sam have been getting closer and closer to each other throughout the stay in the massive log cabin.

"I'm glad you treat Bucky like he's human," you said looking at Sam.

"Yeah, I try and at times I'm surprised he is," Sam said looking at you.

"He was definitely a wild child as a kid," you said getting closer to Sam.

Sam nodded and looked up at the stars. He put his arm around your shoulder.

"It's been a long time since I've actually seen stars," Sam said. "You can't really see them in the city."

"It's all that light pollution," you said. "It's so much better out here."

"Yeah," Sam said looking at you.

He pressed his soft lips against yours and you happily let him. Bucky comes out with Oreos and he pushes both of you away from each other. He sits in between you and puts his arms around the both of you and places his Oreos in his lap.

"Did you know... that they sent a man up to the moon?" Bucky inquired looking at the both of you and he's got a huge grin on his face.

"Oh my god, they did? I should send you up there," you said sarcastically.

"Like you have a rocket," Bucky said.

You just looked at him with a smirk on your face.

"Oh my god! You do!" Bucky yelled.

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