All These Years - S.S.

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Imagine: You and Sebastian were best friends in Romania but he moved out the country leaving you heartbroken. It's now 2017 and you're in Infinity War playing as a Asgardian warrior that's like BFFs with Loki and Thor.

Ages are 28/30


You've already been on set for a week. Sebastian has been dealing with some personal stuff but all is resolved and he's on set today.

"No, you're gonna die," you said in your Romanian accent as you watched Anthony Mackie about to eat a thing of wasabi.

"No, I'm not," Anthony said with the thing of wasabi on his chopsticks.

"Dulce proastă, (fucking dumbass)," you said shaking your head.

"Here I go!" Anthony said and he shoved the wasabi in his mouth.

Tears welled up in his eyes and he looked up screaming.

"Dumbass," you said. "I told you not to do that! But do you listen?!"

"NO HE DOES NOT!!" Winston Duke yelled from a distance away from the food table.

"It burns!" Mackie whined.

"SWALLOW YOU WUSS!" You yelled getting in his face.

He swallowed the wasabi and grabbed his water. He practically chugged it.

Sebastian is greeted by Chris Evans and the two of them are walking around wearing their costumes.

"Have you met Y/n yet?" Evans asked.

"Uh.... no," Sebastian said.

"Well, she's from Romania and she plays an Asgardian warrior," Evans said.

"Really?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, she's got these swords," Evans said.

You're now on the back of a golf cart that Hemsworth is driving and Anthony is in the cart hanging on for dear life. You're harnessed up and Hemsworth managed to get one of the safety coordinators to help him out. There's small bungee cords connected to parts on your harness and to the cart so you won't die. You are standing up on the seats.

Hemsworth speeds past the two and Mackie is screaming his head off. You and Hemsworth are laughing.

"THAT DOESNT SEEM SAFE!!" Evans yelled.

Hemsworth does a 180 and Mackie almost falls out of the cart. Hemsworth comes straight for the two actors. He breaks hard putting a hand over Mackie's chest to keep him in place.

"Sup, Evans," you said.

"Hey, this is Sebastian," Evans said.

"I had a best friend named Sebastian but you see he left me all heartbroken to go to Vienna and I guess he's now in America or that's what my mother says," you said knowing exactly who Sebastian is. "Pleasure to meet you though."

His eyes widened in shock and you tapped the roof of the golf cart. Hemsworth backed up and did another 180 driving off.

"I'm pretty sure that I'm that Sebastian," Sebastian said looking at Evans.

"How dare you!" Evans said smacking Sebastian's bicep.

(Time skip)

You and RDJ are sitting in crappy lawn chairs outside watching your cast mates walk past coming from their scenes. He's shirtless and wearing black slacks. You're wearing the pants of your costume and sports bra. Your armor is off to the side. Your hair is up in a messy bun and the two of you have ray ban sunglasses on.

Evans and Sebastian walked past all sweaty. Sebastian has the metal arm off but the lube is all on his arm and he holds it off to the side.

"Ți-ai pus mâna pe un penis de balenă? (Did you put your arm up a whale's penis?)" You asked.

He chuckled shaking his head.

"Nu, trebuie să-mi înnebunească brațul pentru a face bucata de metal (No, they have to lube up my arm to get the metal arm piece on)," Sebastian said.

"Săracul de tine (You poor thing)," you said with a smirk on your face.

"Dă-mi o secundă și mă voi întoarce (give a second and I'll be back)," he said as the other two looked confused.

You gave him a thumbs up and he quickly went off with a tired looking Evans.

"That was disgusting," RDJ said.

"Yup," You said.

(Time skip)

Sebastian pulls up in a golf cart and he honks the horn. He's shirtless of course.

"Goodbye, father," You said grabbing your crap.

"My child is growing up!" RDJ joked as you stood up. "Have her home by ten!"

"Will do," Sebastian said as you walked over.

You climbed in and sat down. He quickly drove off.

"How ya been?" He asked.

"I been here and I been there," you said being vague as possible.

"Wow, hows your mom?" He asked. "Does she still make those cookies?"

"Yes and she's also been following your career. She'll give me updates on you like once a week and give me your relationship status like I can do anything about it," you said with a slight chuckle.

"That's insane," Sebastian said looking at you.

"Yeah! It took me forever to figure out that I have to respond to the messages with 'good to know' or I'm fucked and it goes into a deep ass conversation on my love life," you said.

"You got anybody?" He asked real curious.

"Yes," You said and he got slightly jealous.

"You in love?" He asked.

"Yes," You said grinning widely.

Sebastian stopped the golf cart and looked at you.

"Who?" He asked.

"Food. We have this instant connection, it was love at first bite," You said putting your hands over your heart.

"Oh my god," Sebastian said driving again.

"You should come to the house I'm renting. I'll cook you an actual meal and you'll regret ever leaving Romania, Seba," you said.

"You know it's not my fault," he said.

"Yes, I do but it's still fun to tease you," You said.

"After all these years, we've been apart and you still wanna tease me?" Sebastian asked sarcastically and you chuckled.

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