Innocence - B.B.

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You sat up on a fire escape eating ice cream for the first time. It was just plain vanilla but you already fell in love with the cold treat. You had finally gotten out of the Red Room. You burned it all down. You killed the head mistress. You found the youngest which were only five of them some families that would take them in.

You're the best of the best. The one. That's what the head mistress said. She said you were the chosen one like in some sci-fi movie like Star Wars but you haven't seen it yet. You're just taking the enjoyments of life at a step at a time. Your first step is ice cream. It's all some of the girls talked about when talking about what they missed the most. You promised yourself that you would one day get that ice cream and you did.

The Avengers have heard of you and what you've done for the Red Room. Natasha had suggested that they take you out thinking you've been corrupted by the Red Room. Yet, you still have your innocence sort of intact. It's there but not gone. Bucky has fought against her on taking you out. He's trained you and you've actually defeated the beloved Winter Soldier of Hydra. In his eyes, he could see that you weren't one of them. Just a pawn in their quest to take over the world.

The Avengers went to the facility that you were trained at to see nothing but ashes and a few dead bodies.

"She's probably dead," Natasha said as Bucky, her, Steve, and Sam walked through the streets wearing the official undercover uniform consisting of a cap and sunglasses to pair with their choice in civilian clothing.

"You know, I'm kinda mad that you believe that," you said looking down below. "I wish you had a bit more faith in me."

They all looked around but Bucky was the first one to look up. He smiled at you and he's surprised that you're actually American. He's only spoken to you in Russian. The rest finally look up seeing the ice cream cone in hand.

"Why don't you come down and talk to us?" Natasha asked.

"Pass," You said.

"You can't just pass," Natasha said and Bucky is already climbing up the fire escape.

"I just did," you said.

Bucky was soon sitting next to you dangling his feet over the edge. He put his arm around your shoulders and slowly took the cone out of your hand.

"Come down," Natasha said.

Bucky put a gun against your side and before you could react, he shot you. You went unconscious in his arms and he dropped the ice cream cone into the dumpster below.

"Bucky!" Steve yelled.

"I shot her with those ice bullets," Bucky said. "She's not even bleeding. She'll be pissed as hell at me which I blame Natasha for."

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