Double Life (2) - B.B.

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You woke up in a hotel room and Bucky's arms are wrapped around you. Bucky is mumbling softly Russian sweet nothings waiting for you to wake up. You spun around to face and he grinned widely.

"Did we?" You asked realizing you are wearing his shirt and nothing underneath expect panties.

"Yeah," He said looking at you.

You pressed your lips against his and he pulled you closer.

"I love you," He whispered softly against the soft skin of your lips.

"I love you too," you said pressing your forehead to his.

"You're all mine. You come home to me. Nobody else," Bucky said.

"Possessive but fine by me. You gotta do the same, James," you said.

He nodded softly and kissed you.

(Time skip)

Bucky grabbed the room service breakfast and you sat up in the bed crisscross. He comes back and places the tray down on the table in this five star room. You get out of the bed and come over to him. He sits down in the chair and you sit down in his lap.

"I gotta show you something before we go back to the Avengers," you said as you fed him a chocolate strawberry.

"Alright, should I be worried?" He asked smiling.

"Depends," You said running hand through his hair and you took a bite of that same strawberry.

"On what, Doll?" Bucky asked.

"Depends on if my friends are there," you said.

"Oh so I'm already meeting the friends," Bucky said.

"I guess and I'm showing you my hideaway," you said pressing your lips against his.

"I can't wait," he said with a smirk on his face.

You both finished up breakfast and took a shower together. You both then get dressed up in the clothes from last night. Bucky's wearing dark washed jeans, black t-shirt, black zip up hoodie, and black high top converse. You've taken the black leather jacket he was wearing last night.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah," You said looking into your clutch to make sure you have everything.

Your phone is dead and his is dying. You know for fact you have a few chargers at the recording studio. You take his hand and both leave the hotel room.

"Last night and this morning was pretty fun, Doll," Bucky said into your ear.

You smiled and said, "good."

(Time skip)

You walked into the lobby of the studio and Bucky is pretty confused but you aren't telling him anything.

"Oooo, all fresh faced yet you're wearing last night's clothes, JJ," Megan said come up to you and Bucky.

"Yeah and this is Bucky," you said.

"Megan," Megan said shaking his hands with him. "It's nice to finally meet the inspiration. I'll see ya in the booth later today."

You blushed and she walked away.

"Wait, she called you JJ," Bucky said and you stopped.

"Okay, my real name is Jordyn Jaycee Y/n Y/l/n," you said looking up at him and taking both of his hands into yours. "But Maria introduced me as Y/n Y/l/n cause I accidentally took her coffee when I was first recruited and she's been calling me that ever since to piss me off."

"Wait, you have two middle names," Bucky said.

"Yes cause my parents couldn't decide between Y/n or Jaycee so they put both," you said. "Come on."

You led him into your recording room and nobody was in there. Bucky's jaw dropped realizing what the hell is going.

"You figured it out?" You asked.

"Yeah. So, you're JJ that singer that Peter and Wanda are practically in love with," Bucky said looking at you.

"Yup," You said.

He smirked and pressed his lips against yours.

"They'll have to back off," Bucky said.

"They stand no chance," you said as Bucky's phone starts ringing.

"Ugh, it's Steve," Bucky said about to answer but his phone dies.

You both laughed and you go over to the chargers in the wall. You take his phone and plugged it in. You do the same with yours.

"I've gotta go grab my clothes that I left here," you said looking at Bucky who's planted himself on the couch.

"Alright, I'll be here," Bucky said.

You left giving him a quick peck on the cheek. You went off and found Maya who has your crap in your black leather backpack. You take it giving her a brief summary on what happened last night.

You come back to Bucky to see him on his phone.

"I've got 10 miss calls from Stephen and 2 drunken voicemails from Sam and whole lotta of where are you texts from everyone," Bucky said.

"Oh fun," you said looking at your phone. "There's so many! Natasha texted she's gonna send an amber alert for me. Did none of them see us leave together?"

"I guess not," Bucky said taking his phone off the charger. "I got us an Uber."

You nodded and took your phone off the charger.

(Time skip)

You and Bucky walked into the lobby of the compound and he's got arm around your shoulders as he's getting another call from Steve. He declined it.

"Jordyn, can we go back to the hotel and chill out there?" Bucky asked.

"I guess but we're already here and they might start a manhunt for us," you said.

"You're the more reasonable one," he said kissing your forehead and taking you to your room.

"I guess," you said.

You unlocked your door and you opened it. Bucky turned you around and pressed his lips against yours.

"I love you," He whispered ever so quietly.

"I love you too," you whispered and kissed him again.

"I'll see ya later," he said.

"Okay," You said.

"Bye," He said kissing you again.

"Bye, Lover Boy," you said going into your room.

He smirked going off to the training room knowing Steve is probably in there.

"Where have you been?" Steve asked the second Bucky walked in.

"I've been with a girl," Bucky said.

"Really? Who is this girl?" Natasha asked.

"Her name is Jordyn," Bucky said smiling.

"Wow, are we gonna see her soon?" Steve asked.

"Maybe," Bucky said.

To be continued...

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