M.I.A - S.S.

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You've been MIA for a good 2 months hiding in the Swiss alps snowboarding your hearts desires. You told Sebastian you loved him and he told you that he didn't feel the same in the heat of the moment cause he doesn't know how to deal with feelings and you both were in a huge fight cause he was being a dumbass. You still can't believe you said those three little words to him.

You've also been dealing with your brother being a man whore and getting his side chick pregnant. You're dad got a divorce from your mother and she's already engaged to some hot shot doctor whom of which you hate with a passion. Everything is just going downhill for you. Even your health and mental stability so therefore you left the country.



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itsjj 🎄merry Christmas🎄


username OMG JJ is alive!!!!!

username everyone's been so worried about you!

elizabetholson are you good, girl?

scarlettjohansson honey @itsjj

realchrisevans im glad you're alive. Are you coming back? We need you

username awww everyone's worried about JJ

anthonymackie you drop off the face of the earth and don't bother to invite me??! Merry Christmas JJ 🎁🎄

username merry Christmas

zoesaldana I'm here if you need to talk

username how fucking dare you leave at @imsebastianstan?! He was your best friend!

username bitch

username lame why give her this attention? @imsebastianstan doesn't need a whore like you


"Sebastian, JJ's alive," Anthony said coming into Sebastian's hospital room with Chris following behind.

Sebastian just scratched the back of his head trying to figure out what he wants to say. He got into a car crash a week ago. He was trying to get to the airport to find you even though he had no clue to where he would go. But he ended up being the victim of a hit & run which sucks balls.

Chris is trying to call you and Anthony shows the Instagram post to Sebastian.

"I— I like s-snowboarding, r-right?" Sebastian asked quietly and he looked at Anthony.

"Yeah, We went snowboarding together and you met JJ and she laughed at you falling on your ass. She taught you how to professionally snowboard," Anthony said.

"Hey, JJ, your phone is ringing," Emma said in her French accent and she holds up your phone. "I didn't even know you had a phone."

"Well, I've had it off until I took that picture," you said taking your phone.

It's Chris. You signed and answered.

"Hey," You said going upstairs.


You hang up and see Sebastian left you a voicemail from a week ago. You lay down on your bed at your cabin and listen to the voicemail.

"I'm an idiot, JJ. I was so fucking stupid to tell you that I didn't love you. I only pushed you away cause I was mad and scared. It's so fucking terrifying to me love someone. If I never see you again then I will have to deal with it. I do understand why you disappeared and I'm gonna try and find you. I'll probably fail since I don't have any detective skills at all. Anyways, I do truly love y—."

You heard a crash at the end of the voicemail and then it cuts out. You immediately scramble to call Sebastian.

Sebastian and the other two look at Sebastian's phone that's buzzing on the table. Anthony grabs it quickly and answers it putting it on speaker.

"Hey, it's JJ. You alive, Seba?"

The two look at Sebastian and they both nod their heads.

"Y-yesss," Sebastian said.

"Where are you? I—."

The phone cuts out and you throw it against a wall. You quickly packed up your stuff as fast as you could.

Sebastian just looks at the phone disappointed and he clenches his jaw. He looks the other way from the other two as tears streamed down his face. He just wanted to hear your voice again and more of it.

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