Love Birds (2) - B.B.

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Bucky led having his handgun out and you put your hand on his shoulder with your gun drawn. He has you keep that contact to know that he's still got you behind him.

"I'm not seeing anything," Bucky whispered softly looking over his shoulder at you.

"Y—," you said hearing movement.

The lights shut off and you both end up in fight between three people. You get pinned down on the concrete floor while Bucky is pinned against the wall. The lights turned on.

"What the shit fuck?!" Bucky yelled punching Steve in the face.

"B-Bucky?!" Steve said holding his jaw.

"You punk ass bitch!" Bucky said in Steve's face.

"Hi, I'm Y/n," you said looking up at Natasha. "Thanks for the broken nose."

"What's with the S.H.I.E.L.D logos?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, isn't S.H.I.E.L.D dead?" Natasha asked looking at you.

"We're rebuilding and it's long ass process man," you said.

"You good, Y/n?" Bucky asked.

You just glared at him.

"Nat get off her," Steve said.

Natasha rolled her eyes and got off of you. You got up on your hands and knees due to a blood rush to your head. You spit out blood onto the concrete and then got up with Bucky at your side helping you.

"Jesus, I should've gone alone," Bucky said carefully cupping your face into your hands.

"Now, that wouldn't be any fun," you said.

"I don't think your nose is broken. Just fucked up," Bucky said and Steve is just watching the interaction between the two of you.

"Thanks doc," you said sarcastically.

"Agents, report."

"It's a bust," Bucky said pressing his fingers to his earpiece. "Ran into some Avengers."

"Ditch and return home."

"Gotta go, Steve," Bucky said.

"Who the shit are you talking to?" Natasha asked pointing her weapon at Bucky.

You took Bucky's gun out of his waistband and pointed it at Natasha.

"Put the gun down before I blow your brains out, sweet cheeks," you said and Bucky chuckled loving whenever you threaten somebody for him.

Clint is in shock.

"How about I shoot you, sweetheart?" Natasha asked pulling another gun out at you.

"You ain't doing that shit, Natasha, or I'll shoot bird brain over here," Bucky said pointing a gun at Clint.

Clint then aims his bow at Steve.

"How about I shoot your best buddy, Wiener Soldier?!" Clint asked.

"Go ahead see if I fucking care!" Bucky yelled.

"NO! He needs to sign those trading cards!" You yelled.

"PUT DOWN THE WEAPONS!!!" Steve yelled.

(Time skip)

You're loaded up on painkillers and you fell asleep with your head in Bucky's lap as the quinjet is going to S.H.I.E.L.D. The two Avengers are across from you two and Steve is sitting next to Bucky.

"So, how long have you been outta Hydra?" Natasha asked.

"2 and a half years," Bucky said and he looked at Steve. "Sorry I didn't see ya sooner."

"Just glad to know you are okay," Steve said placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "What's going on with you and your partner?"

"Not much," Bucky said with a shit eating grin on his face.

Steve rolled his eyes.

(Time skip)

Bucky carries you off the jet bridal style since you're half asleep. Hunter stops seeing three of the original Avengers following behind.

"Romanov," Bobby said.

"Bobby," Natasha said coming off the jet.

"I expected you to be back an hour ago, Agents!" Fury yelled across the room.

"Sorry sir!" Bucky said. "Won't happen again!"

Bucky took you off to the lab as the three Avengers catch up with Fury.

"Coulson, Steve's here," Bucky said walking in and placing you down on a hospital bed.

Simmons comes in and checks you over.

"She had a run in with Romanov and she's loaded up on ibuprofen," Bucky said. "She's also really tired."

(Time skip)

Mack and Clint are playing Call Of Duty in the common room. Steve and Natasha are in the kitchen discussing things and Daisy is listening to them. Bobby and Hunter are watching Mack and Clint. You and Bucky walked in and he went over to the couch. You went into the kitchen grabbing yourself a beer and Bucky one.

"How's the nose?" Daisy asked.

"Fine," You said.

"Simmons had to reset it. It was fucking weird," Bucky said.

"I hope to never see that again," Coulson said coming in.

The three Avengers looked at him shocked and you went over to Bucky.

"Oh yeah, I'm alive," Coulson said.

"How?" Clint asked.

"Aliens," everyone said.

You sat on the armrest next to Bucky and hand him his beer. He pulls you into his lap.

"It's a long story," Coulson said coming into the kitchen and they notice his hand.

"What about the missing limb?" Natasha asked.

"Easy! I chopped it off with an axe!" Mack called out.

"I assure you that we aren't that insane," Daisy said.

"Says the one who can vibrate objects at certain frequencies," Simmons said coming in with Fitz.

"Yeah, you're inhuman Daisy," Fitz sassed.

"Dude, I've been brainwashed for over 70 years. We're insane," Bucky said.

"I keep forgetting you're so old," Daisy said.

Bucky just stuck his tongue out at her.

"Wait, There's now two old men in the base!" Daisy said pointing to Steve and Bucky.

Steve just sighed.

"Are we starting up the old men jokes again?" May asked coming into the kitchen and going into the fridge.

"May," Natasha said.

"Romanov," May said grabbing a beer.

"You're following Coulson into battle?" Natasha asked.

"Sadly," May said with a smirk.

"It seems to be a huge reunion sort of thing going on today," Hunter said. "Old farts coming together. The Black Widow seems to know everyone but me which leaves me quite offended."

"You never met her before," Bobby said.

"Doesn't Stop me from complaining," Hunter said.

"Yo, love birds, where's my mission report files?!" Fury asked coming in.

"Shit," you said getting up.

You and Bucky bolted out of there as fast as you could. Steve just watched.

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