Gangsta (AU) - B.B.

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I used the name Kendall. You can change it. I do not care.

"She's really gained her confidence, Buck, you should've seen it," Natasha said to me.

"Oh my Kenny, my Kenny— oh shit, I GOTTA GO PICK HER UP FROM THE AIRPORT!!!!" Sam yelled running off.

"Woah, we should go see her," Steve said running after Sam.

"Hey, wait— it's uh gonna awkward for me," I called out.

"Grow a fucking pair!" Natasha yelled and ran off to follow the two.

"Shit," I said and ran after them since they're my ride home.

We ran all the way to Sam's car and filed in. Sam drove; Nat got shot gun while Steve and I are stuck in the back.

"Can you move your seat up?" I asked Sam.

"Nah," he said.

"I hate you," I said.

"I hate you too, Buddy," Sam said.

He drove us to the airport and Natasha went in to get Kendall. I started getting nervous about seeing her after all these years.

Nat comes out with a blonde girl in dark ripped skinny jeans, white T-shirt, black bomber jacket, red flannel tied around the waist, and a pair of red high top converse. Kendall looked absolutely amazing and beautiful. Steve got out of the car. He hugged her and helped load her bags in the trunk while the two got in.

"Hey, my Kenny!" Sam shrieked doing their secret handshake.

"My Sammy Boy!" Kendall said sitting down next to me.

"Hey," She said to me flashing her sweet smile as Steve closed up the trunk.

"Hey," I said as Steve slid into the backseat.

"Motherfucker, am I really stuck in the back with these two thick ass boys?" Kendall asked buckling her seatbelt.

"I'll have you know that I'm 25, Doll," I said smirking at her.

"Does it look like that matters to me?" She asked sarcastically.

Sam turned on the radio.

"Hey, isn't this your song, Kenny?" Natasha asked.

"I dunno, could be," Kendall said.

Natasha turned up the radio and the music sent vibrations throughout the car.

"Oh, it is," Kendall said blushing.

"Oh! Who's this 'Gansta' you're looking for?" Sam asked teasing her and Kendall covered her mouth.

Natasha and Sam started singing along with the song. Kendall just grew more embarrassed by the second going back to her shy-girl-ness in high school. I smiled realizing how much I missed her. Steve started fucking up the lyrics.

"Oh my god," Kendall said looking at Steve and she leaned against me.

I placed my arm on her shoulder and looked at Steve embarrassed for him.

"It's a fucking masterpiece, Stephen, and you're fucking it up!" I said.

Steve just started screaming the lyrics and the other two joined him.

"I think we're the sanest ones," Kendall said looking up at me.

"I don't know, some of those lyrics beg to differ, Doll," I said and she rolled her eyes.

Kendall grabbed the aux cord and plugged her nice ass phone in. She swiped through a bunch of songs and then tapped on one.

Kendall let it play for a second before she sang along.

"Oh we all know who that song is about," Sam said.

"Who?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, are you that stupid?" Kendall asked.

"I don't know! Maybe! It could be about Steve for all I know— oh," I said and then blushed.

"Oof! The idiot finally figured it out!" Natasha said clapping.

"Shut up," I said looking at Kendall.

"Are you gonna kiss me or what? Or do you have a girlfriend? Fiancé? Wife? Oh my god if you have kids!" Kendall said freaking out.

I cupped her face and pressed my lips against hers. Sam slammed against the breaks and we all jolt forward. Kendall and I glared at him.

"I wasn't gonna run over a squirrel for your makeout session to not be interrupted!" Sam said.

I wrapped my arms around Kendall and brought her close.

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