My Son - S.R.

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<Continuation of Cookie Dough Ice Cream>

Steve just smiled at you tiredly. He couldn't believe it. He now has a perfectly healthy son who's cradled in your arms. You are perfectly fine but a little sore down there. Bucky and Sam are very possessive and protective over you three. They managed to camp out in your hospital room no matter how many times the doctors and nurses try kicking them out.

"Hi," Steve said even though he's been staring at you for a good hour.

"Hi," you whispered smirking.

He stands up and leans down. He presses his lips against yours and you happily kissed him back. When breaking apart, James lets out a huge yawn making the two of you adore him even more. Bucky comes in yawning and Steve just laughs.

"What did I do?" Bucky asked.

"Nothing, you and the kid are already a lot alike," Steve said putting an arm around your shoulders.

"No duh, he is named after me and I am his uncle and he loves me," Bucky said coming over.

"Man, it's not like the ego gets in the way at all," you said.

Bucky grabbed your jaw gently and said right in your face, "you caused this problem. It's on you."

You grinned and said, "I can change his name."

"No you won't," Bucky whined removing his hand and pouted. "He can't be Samuel James Rogers, he has to be James Samuel Rogers. It's all about the flow and how I'm a better person. —Man! My ego is huge!"

You and Steve laughed at him.

"I can see the problem now," Bucky said.

(Time skip)

"You sure you wanna see the others?" Steve asked holding your hand as you guys walked into the lobby of the new Avenger compound.

"It should be fine and Sam and Bucky are gonna be there. They'll probably beat someone up if they look at me wrong. Plus I haven't met the people you work with," you said. "Also, all the attention will probably be on James."

Steve nodded and looked at the sleeping baby in the carrier that he's carrying in his right hand.

"Don't be so worried, Steve. Have some fun cause I don't need you stressed out," you said.

"I'll try," Steve said kissing you.

He leads you through the hallways until you guys finally get to the common room. Everyone is of course arguing over how someone is worthy of Thor's hammer.

"Guys," Steve said.

"Stephen," Natasha said.

"I have two people that wanna meet you," Steve said and you come from behind the tall man. "This is

"Hi," you said.

Thor immediately runs over to you.

"Lady Y/n! It's nice to finally meet you!" Thor said picking you up off the ground giving you a bear hug.

You grinned widely and hugged the god. Steve was slightly worried but that went away after seeing you smile.

"50 bucks says Y/n can lift the hammer," Bucky said.

"Nope, thousand says she can't," Tony said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I believe she can," Thor said putting you down.

"She definitely can," Steve said sitting next to Bucky and taking out baby James.

You are just slightly confused but you see the hammer on the center of the coffee table.

"You guys want me to pick up the hammer?" You asked.

"YES! Pick it up!" Clint said.

You go over and stand in front of them.

"This is what you guys want me to pick up?" You asked pointing to the hammer.

"Pick it up, Y/n," Bucky said. "I need the thousand dollars."

"For your fuzzy sock collection, am I right?" You said looking at Bucky which everyone chuckled.

He glared at you but he couldn't stop a smile.

"Just pick up the hammer," Sam said.

You wrapped your right hand around the handle and looked at everyone.

"Wait, are we sure this is the real deal?" You asked.

"Yes, it is Lady Y/n," Thor said.

You nodded and tightened your grip. Most are on the edge of their seats waiting on you. You pick up the hammer with ease and Bucky got a huge grin on his face.

"It's so light," you said looking at the engraving on the hammer.

"You're dead to me," Tony said standing up.

"Hey, I'm sorry that you aren't worthy," you said.

Bucky immediately gets up and hugs you tightly. Attention turns to James when he lets out a sneeze. Bucky has become very attached to you since you remind him so much of his little sister and you have such a sweet personality. You also treated him normally and teased him like how Sam does. He can tease you back and he knows for a fact that you won't be hurt by it. You're positive personality and presence just makes him automatically happy. You also make Steve very very happy.

To be continued?

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