Wait (4) - B.B.

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"Take off your shirt," a sassy upbeat nurse said looking at Bucky.

He looked at her confused. The doc had earlier told him that she doesn't know if his kid is gonna make it. Her heart rate has been dropping slowly.

"Take off your shirt, old man," she said putting her hands on her hips.

He does what she asks and she points him over to a chair in the corner of the NICU. He's seen mothers hold their kids in that chair and he goes over. He sits down and the nurse brings over his little girl with some help from another one.

"They say skin to skin contact helps the baby," she said placing her on his chest.

She's still got all the tubes and wires connected. The IVs are right by Bucky. Bucky puts his flesh hand carefully over the small child's back. His eyes started watering as he looked down at his daughter. Another nurse draped a blanket over the two of them. They let Bucky be with his daughter and walked away.


"Dude, I want like 50 kids," you said as you and Bucky looked up at the stars as May drives the pickup.

You both had just finished a mission and are now trying to get out of Russia. You both are lying down in the bed of a pickup truck.

"That's an obnoxious amount, Y/n," May said.

"Fine, four kids," you said.

"That's a much better amount, Doll," Bucky said.

You smiled at him and asked, "what about you?"

"I was thinking maybe two or something but whatever makes you happy, I'm good," Bucky said looking at you. "Whatever happens happens. Also I'd like a dog or 75."

"Again, obnoxious amount," May said smiling.

"Fine, 10 dogs. They all gotta be these massive things and they gotta be fluffy. They might even fooled for a bear. One might even be a bear," Bucky said looking up at the sky.

"I'm definitely on board with the giant fluffy dogs," you said kissing his cheek.

"If they have puppies, you better give me one," May said and Bucky and you smiled at each other.


You opened your eyes and heard Skye talking.

"I might fucking murder Ward, Y/n," Skye said.

You freaked out since there's a tube down your throat and wondering if you're still pregnant or if you lost the baby.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Skye said freaking out and looking at you. "NURSE! NURSE!!!"

Bucky noticed the heart rate monitor going up. It's slow but it's going up. He's been holding her for over two hours and he hasn't moved at all. He doesn't want to move.

Steve comes into the NICU and finds Bucky looking at his daughter. Steve goes over.

"You finally get to hold her?" Steve asked quietly.

"Shhhhhhh, she's opening her eyes for the first time," Bucky said ever so quietly not taking his eyes off her.

He watched her open her eyes and she looked up at him. Bucky of course got tears in his eyes.

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