Human Coloring Book - C.E.

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Imagine: You're Chris Evan's girlfriend. You've got a lot of small tattoos on your arms and they aren't colored. You and Chris are at your sister's house watching your nieces.


You are seated at the breakfast table watching a 1 year old eat Cheerios at her high chair. The five year is seated across from you coloring in her princess coloring book. Chris is playing with the 8 year old on the Xbox.

"Auntie, I ran out of coloring pages," Quinn said.

"Oh that's not good," you said and you quickly pulled up your sleeve. "Bam, new coloring book."

You put your arm on the table with your forearm facing up. It's a full sleeve tribal tattoos with roses and Chris loves it. He also loves the little t-Rex tattoo behind your ear more, it's his favorite one.

Quinn started grabbing markers and pens from the drawer in the kitchen where her mom keeps them all. She quickly rushes over and dumps them on the table. She picks a pink marker and starts coloring one of the roses.

"Stay in the lines, chickadee," you said.

"I'm hungry!" Wyatt announced loudly.

"That sounds like a you problem and not a me problem," you said.

"You're a terrible babysitter," Wyatt sassed.

"I'm actually doing pretty great. I got two happy kids out three," You said smiling as she and Chris came into the kitchen.

"And I've got your fiancé," she said putting her hands on her hips.

"I know for a fact that I'll be the one going home with him. Stay in your lane, child," you sassed matching her level of sassiness.

"Come on, lets get you something to eat," Chris said ushering her over to the fridge.

"Oops," Quinn said.

You looked down to see she slightly colored outside of the lines.

"May I?" You asked holding out your other hand.

She gave you the pink marker and you colored outside the lines and then smudged the marker with your thumb.

"You colored outside the lines," Quinn said quietly as you gave her her marker back.

"Wow, babe, you colored outside the lines?" Chris asked you.

"It's aesthetically pleasing at the moment so please let me be a child," you said.

Chris made Wyatt a sandwich and she went off to the living room to watch tv. Chris came to you.

"Get up," He said and you did as he said while Quinn still colored.

Chris sat down in your chair and you sat in his lap. He grabbed a green marker and pushed your ear forward. He colored in the little t-rex. Soon Wyatt joined on in. You've even had to take off your hoodie leaving you in a white band tank top. Quinn has one arm and Wyatt has the other. Chris at the moment is perfecting his coloring skills on your shoulders.

Your sister and her husband walked in seeing the sight.

"Oh my god, she's a fucking human coloring book," Jessica,  your sister, said.

"A dollar in the swear jar, Jess," Matt, her husband, said.

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