Wait (5) - B.B.

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You still can't see your daughter. It's crushing your soul. It's been two days since you woke up and today has been really hard on you.

"I just wanna see her, Doc. Do you not understand?" You asked looking at him.

"I'm sorry but you cannot see her. It's too much of a risk right now," he said as Tony Stark comes in and tears streamed down your face.

Bucky is with Kayden at the moment speaking to her doctor.

"So what you are saying is that she's a risk to her own daughter whom of which she carried inside of her for 6 plus months and she hasn't even seen the small little munchkin at all," Tony said getting pissed off. "And you are denying her to see her child! She is a goddamn mother for crying out loud! I WANT A NEW DOCTOR FOR MY FRIEND!"

Tony pulls out his phone and calls somebody. Your doc leaves the room and you hold onto your sides crying.

"Can my wife see her?" Bucky asked.

"I think it should be alright cause I know if I was her, I'd definitely wanna see my own daughter. I'll see how your wife is and we can go from there," she said.

"Thank you so much, it'll mean a lot to her," Bucky said shaking her hand.

Bucky left the NICU and Steve is watching Kayden now. Bucky finds Tony yelling at your doctor outside of the room and he'd join in on the yelling but he wants to tell you what Kayden's doctor said. He slipped into your room finding you crying.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Bucky asked crouching down to eye level with you.

"I j-just wanna see my baby," you cried out.

He kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you.

"Kayden's doctor says she fine with it. She'll be here later to see you and discuss it," Bucky said.

"R-really?" You asked looking at him.

"Yeah, she's a mom herself and she knows what it's like unlike the asshole you have," Bucky said kissing your cheek.

"Tony's getting me a new doctor," you said.

"That's great, hopefully they'll be a lot better," Bucky said wiping away your tears with his thumb. "Kayden definitely needs her mommy."

You nodded and Bucky kissed you.


"This room is an office but it can be made into a nursery," the realtor said.

"She said that with every room," Bucky whispered into your ear as he held your hand.

You smirked.

"Now, shall we go see the yard?" She asked.

You both nodded and she led you off.

"Holy shit," Bucky said looking at the massive yard. "Brooklyn will love this."

"Yeah, and your other future nine dogs," you said and all you could think about was putting a swing set in maybe even pool.

He looked at you and smiled. He pressed his lips against yours and already decided he wants this house with you.


Bucky wheeled you into the NICU and wheeled you over to Kayden. He smiled at Jesse and Maya. He stopped right at her side and locked the wheels. You peered in and you just couldn't believe it.

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