Silence - B.B.

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You were always told to speak when spoken to. You would get into trouble if you spoke no matter what. It was what your mother always did. Therefore, you just gone silent. You wanna speak. You wanna be heard but you don't know who will listen to the quiet girl in the corner. Your mother sold you off like you were just a fruit in the market for sale. You somehow ended up being apart of the team after Natasha found you on a mission. She's like a overprotective older sister to you and she wants you to speak. But is she worthy to hear your voice? You wouldn't know cause you built your walls so high.

You feel like a burden to everyone. They try to get you to talk but nobody has succeeded since so it's so hard. You really wish it wasn't but everyone is so loud. You're afraid that you'll be talked over and it has happened on multiple occasions but nobody has noticed. You're so quiet. Quieter than Bucky.

Bucky feels as though the quietest person in the room has the most to say. That they think the most. That they know the most. He's afraid that you are that exact person and when it comes time for you to speak, nobody will listen. He sticks close to you cause of that. He wants to hear you. He truly does.

At the moment, everyone is arguing about what pizza they should get. Being the most observant person you know what everyone likes and dislikes. They all just keep getting louder but your on your phone already placing the orders in. Natasha and Clint like cheese pizza. Steve, Sam, Pietro, and Thor need everything on it meat wise so meat lovers is they way to go. Wanda is on a health kick with Pepper therefore, they'll have veggie pizza. Tony, Peter, and Rhodey love Hawaiian pizza. Bucky and you enjoy the basic pepperoni pizza with extra sauce. Bruce will have margarita pizza with Loki. And everyone eats a shit ton of breadsticks and hot wings. It's simple. You don't even know why they argue. It happens every single time.

"What are you doing?" Bucky asked in soft tone and he's sitting next to you on the couch.

You showed him your phone and he's kinda shocked. It just once again proves his point on sticking close to you. You placed the order.

"How long?" Bucky asked.

You held up one finger.

"An hour?" He asked.

You nodded.

He said, "great. They'll keep on fighting."

You nodded in agreement.

"The pizza is here." Friday announced after an hour and the arguing stopped.

"I shall go grab it. Who will join me?" Thor asked standing up.

Vision stood up and the two went off. Everyone looked around trying to figure out who got the pizzas.

(Time skip)

You sat up on the roof and watched the sun rise. When you can't sleep, you go up to the roof and watch the sun rise. It's a lot more cold than you expected and you didn't grab your blanket cause you're drying it at the moment in the dryer. Therefore, you're shivering.

Bucky woke up from a nightmare. He would go to Steve but he's gone to him for past couple of days. Instead, Bucky made his way up to the roof with a blanket around his shoulders after seeing that sun is going to rise.

He sees you shivering your ass sitting on the edge of one of the lawn chairs that Clint has brought up. He comes over and sits next to you. He wraps the other half around you and puts his arm around your shoulder. You automatically lean into his warmth and draped your legs over his lap.

"Why do you stick around me? Is it cause of pity?" You asked hesitantly and you looked up at him.

He looked at you and said, "no. My mom told me that I should stick with the quietest person in the room cause they know the most. They're the most observant. They have the loudest minds."

"So, you're still listening to your mother after all these years?" You asked.

"Hell yeah! It let me finally hear that beautiful voice of yours," Bucky said looking at your eyes. "I'll always listen to her even though she's like super dead and hey! I'm finally remembering shit."

You both chuckled but you were also blushing which made Bucky grin widely. Though, silence consumed you both as you studied each other's features. He leaned down and you leaned forward. Your lips met with his in a slow yet passionate kiss. A blush crept up on both of you and one of your hands ended up on his cheek.

"Damn," Bucky said ever so quietly after the parted away breathless and his eyes are still closed trying to keep the moment to last long enough.

A surge of confidence came through and you kissed the man again. He pulled you into his lap and you parted your lips slightly letting him in. You actually let someone in, it might be physical but it's a step in the right direction.

Bucky grinned widely at the full blown make out session that just happened and he looked out at the sun that's rising. You rested your head on his shoulder unable to stop smiling and he has his arms wrapped around you. You yawned and snuggled up to him more.

"Did you sleep?" Bucky asked.

"Do I ever sleep? That would be a no," you said.

"Why's that?" Bucky asked.

"That question will be answered another day, James. For now let's enjoy the silence," you said smirking.

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