Baby Drama - S.S.

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Imagine: You and Sebastian have been fighting nonstop for the last couple of months over the most random shit. He's been on edge from filming multiple movies, a TV show, and doing a press tour all at once. You try not to add but you find out you're pregnant. You've always wanted to have kids and you've always been a kid at heart. You just don't know if now is the right time.


You walked into the apartment hoping Sebastian would be there and awake. But you hear his light snoring from the couch. You sighed and took off your scarf and jacket. You hung them up by the door. You carefully took off my shoes and went over to your sleeping husband. You grabbed a blanket off of the chair and covered him up. You knelt down to his level. You kissed his cheek leaving red lipstick and you went off to the bedroom. You opened the door to find the bed neatly made and you took off your skinny jeans. You left them on the floor out of a bad habit and climbed into the empty bed not wanting to make dinner or eat or really anything. You put your phone onto the bedside table and put your face into the pillow. You just couldn't stop yourself from crying with all that was happening and the hormones weren't helping at all. You grabbed another pillow and gripped onto it wishing it was Sebastian. Then your phone started ringing and picked it up to see it's Scarlett. You pressed the green button and put the phone to your ear.

"H-hello?" you said trying to not to sound like you were crying.

"Oh my god, what's wrong?"

"I— I... I'm just tired... of this," you said.

"You know he keeps taking on a lot. Have you told him yet?"

Sebastian had just woken up and peaked into the room. He was gonna join you in bed but he stopped hearing you talk.

"N-no, I d-don't even know if I should," you said.

"You gotta tell him! You're married to him!"

"I know that! E-everything is going to shit! He's just too mad and we haven't slept in the same bed in awhile," You sobbed. "It's not great timing at all!"

"Babes, you think it was great timing when I found out? —No it wasn't! It'll never go as plan and you'll deal with it! And you know what?"

He frowned and thought of the worst. He thought you were cheating on him. He got furious. He balled his fists and huffed. He went into the kitchen and started pacing around angrily.

"W-What?" You asked Scarlett.

"You'll be an amazing mother no matter what and I know how much you want kids! You practically try and steal mine whenever you can."

"Cause they're adorable!" You said which just made you cry even more.

"Yeah I know, but soon enough you'll have your own running around."

"I just hope they have his eyes, Scar," you whispered.

"They will no doubt. Just get some rest and tell him tomorrow."

"Night," you said.

"Night, Babes."

You hung up and your stomach growled. You knew it was the baby so you got up even though you didn't want to at all.

Sebastian heard your light footsteps and he flipped his head around with a nasty glare. You did not want to deal with another tantrum of his. You loved the man but when he got mad he got mad but he would never ever hurt you. You walked in wiping your tears away even though you knew they'd probably come back soon. You went into the kitchen and he gripped onto the sink till his knuckles turned white.

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