His Rock - S.R.

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Imagine: Steve puts up this front when he's Captain America and when he's around everyone. He shows that he's okay but really he isn't. You've noticed him. You've noticed the super soldier. You've seen the signs cause you have the same ones and you've seen others with them too. You're a new Avenger. You have a huge military background.


You're perched up on the fridge sitting crisscross and it's 1 in the morning. It's also very dark in the kitchen. Steve just woke up from a nightmare. He's all sweaty and shaky. He walked into the kitchen wearing his pajama pants that hung low on his defined body and he's shirtless.

You know for a fact that the super soldier hasn't slept too well at all ever since they defrosted him. Honestly, you've become protective over him and you'd definitely go to a war for him. You don't like how he suffers alone. It's just himself and you wanna change that but you're the silent type and you haven't been too great at talking to people after Iraq.

Steve runs a hand through his hair as he makes his way through the darkness and to the fridge.

"You okay?" You asked quietly.

He puts his fists up and looks around.

"At ease, Steve," You said hopping down.

He takes a deep breath and looks down at you. You look up at him and take his trembling hand. You lead him out and he reluctantly follows. He's got tears in his eyes and he's trying his hardest to keep himself together.

You take him to your room and take him into your bathroom. You turned on the light and he squinted. His face is scrunched up and his jaw is tightly clenched. His back is to the mirror and you looked up at him. He just broke down crying. He slid himself down to the floor and you got down with him. You sat beside him and wrapped your arms around his head. You kissed his temple and he leaned against you. He held onto your arms and he brought his knees to his chest.

You let him cry it all out. That's something he needed. He needed someone. He didn't want to be broken. He doesn't want to carry all this weight on his shoulders no more. He needed you.

His head ended up in your lap and he curled himself into a ball holding onto his sides. You kept running your fingers through his hair and he still had tears streaming down his cheeks. His eyes are red and puffy.

"I- I didn't know you had g-glasses," Steve sniffled.

You just smirked. You felt his forehead and he's burning up. His cheeks are also flushed.

"Lift your head up," you said and he does so.

You go to the huge bathtub and turn on the water. He sat up as you put your hand under the water and making it the right temperature for Steve.

"What are you doing?" He asked quietly.

You looked over at him and put a finger to your lips.

"Shhhh," You shushed softly.

You get the water to the perfect temperature and slide back over to Steve. He immediately wrapped his arms around you and you looked up at him.

"W-Why are you helping me?" Steve asked looking at you with his baby blues.

"Cause I like you more than the others. I noticed that you aren't okay like me. I also noticed you're practically everyone's rock and people look up at you... mainly cause your tall... but you've got to be this leader to everyone and you take on this weight to watch out for everyone and that's a lot for one man. It's also kinda stupid for them to do that when you're mentally 25 and yet you have to act like you're in your forties/fifties," you explained. "Like 25 year olds now are doing stupid ass shit and partying and living life and experimenting while you had to grow up too soon. Everyone at the tower gets to joke around while you get to be the parent and the adult even though some of them are older than you. It's not fair on you. D-does that make sense?"

He looked at you and tears streamed down his face realizing how true you are. He nodded and pressed his lips against yours and it shocked you at first but you soon melted into it.

"I l-like you too," He whispered softly against your lips slightly breathless. "You should t-talk more. I like hearing your voice."

You blushed and smiled at him.

"You're all sweaty," you whispered.

Steve did a deep chuckle and you pushed him over to the tub.

"I'll go get you some clothes," you said as you both stood up.

"You know I can go take a bath in my bathroom," Steve said looking down at you.

"Your bathroom is bland and a dude's bathroom. Mine is superior," you said looking up at the blonde super soldier.

"How?" He asked.

"Candles," You said pointing to the ones in the corner of the bathroom counter.

He laughed genuinely and he leaned down. You stood up on your tippy toes to meet him. He put his arms around you as your lips collided. Your lips moved in sync.

"You should join me when you come back," He whispered taking your dog tags in hand.

You blushed and whispered, "okay."

(Time skip hehehehehhehehehehe)

After a wonderful time in the bathtub, you both climbed into your bed. You're wearing black lace panties, bra, and a T-shirt, his to be exact. He's wearing boxer briefs and the gray joggers you got from his room.

Steve lies down on his back and you place yourself under his arm. You have your head on his chest and you've snuggled up to his side. He's adoring it and he pulled the blankets up to your shoulders. He holds onto the hand that's on his chest.

"You know what?" Steve said.

"What?" You asked.

"I like that a lot and this," he said giving your hand a squeeze.

"The sex?" You asked blushing.

"Yes...," He said slightly embarrassed.

"Good," you whispered. "Ummm, w-what are we?"

"Uh, I would like if you would be my girlfriend. Would you... be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously.

"Yes," You said excitedly.

He grinned widely and held you tightly. He ran his fingers through your slightly wet hair.

You're now his rock and he knew he could count on you to be there.

Part 2?

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