Met Someone? - B.B.

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Bucky got out of his car and went around the house. He finds the old married couple sitting out on the porch swing looking at the sunset.

"Man, you guys are old," Bucky teased coming up the three wooden steps.

"You're a jerk," Steve said.

"Yeah, and you're a punk ass kid," Bucky said.

"What brings us the pleasure of having you here?" Peggy asked smiling sweetly at the 28 year old looking man.

"Well, since you asked," Bucky said placing himself between the two.

Peggy intertwined her fingers with Bucky flesh hand and Steve put a hand on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky sighed not knowing what to say and he leaned forward placing his metal elbow on his knee. He rested his chin in the palm of his metal hand.

"Jesus, What's got you so quiet, Buck?" Steve asked looking at his friend.

"Did you meet someone?" Peggy asked knowingly.

Bucky nodded his head and he smiled just thinking about you. You make him so happy. He just can't stop thinking about you.

"You met someone? I'm surprised you still got it in you," Steve said.

"Yeah, neither did I," Bucky groaned.

"What she like, sweetheart?" Peggy asked.

Bucky leaned back making the swing swing a little more.

"Amazing, she's the most amazing girl I've ever met. She's so beautiful too. She puts everyone first and yet she still manages to be able to take care of herself. This is girl is a fighter and has fought so many scary things out there, yet she doesn't like horror movies so she gets so small and tries to hide behind me," Bucky said looking off into the distance and he got teary eyed. "I- I- I don't even know what I would do without h-her."

He let go of Peggy's hand and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a black velvet box and Steve was shocked. He opened it up and it holds a diamond engagement ring.

"I am gonna ask her to marry me," Bucky said looking at Steve and then Peggy.

The old couple never expected this but were happy for their old friend. They never thought he was coming here to tell them this. Thought something might've happened at the new compound or he's just fighting with Sam.

"She sounds like an amazing girl," Peggy said.

Bucky nodded with tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"You guys have to meet her," Bucky said.

"We'll come to the compound. I'll make an appearance," Steve said grinning widely.

"Sam would like that," Bucky said looking at his best friend.

(Time skip)

Bucky and the old couple come into the viewing deck of the warehouse. Clint and Scott are up there watching you and Sam.

"Oh shit," Bucky said.

You slammed down Thor's hammer onto Cap's shield which Sam is wielding. It sends a shockwave of electricity and you go flying back. Bucky's eyes widened as you go into a bunch of plastic crates/boxes. Sam looks over the shield slightly worried.

"Y/n?" Sam asked.

You popped out of the boxes and held up the hammer and your previously broken arm that Bucky knows nothing about. Sam screamed in excitement and Scott and Clint high five. Bucky glared at the two and they quickly straightened up. Steve was chuckling at the whole situation.

"I'm so glad this is how S.H.I.E.L.D turned out," Peggy said sarcastically with a grin on her face.

"I don't need your sarcasm, Peggy," Bucky sassed leaving the room to meet you out in the hallway.

"We should do it again," You said excitedly as you and Sam come down the same hallway Bucky is in.

"Nu-uh," Bucky said shaking his head coming to you.

"Bucky!" You said.

You drop the hammer and run into his arms. Bucky happily lifts you off the ground and you wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He pressed his soft lips against yours and you kissed back happily.

"What happened to your arm?!" Bucky asked putting you down.

"Nothing," You said showing him your left arm. "I still have it."

Bucky takes your right arm and looks at the cast. He presses his forehead against yours.

"You're a pain in the ass," Bucky whispered looking into your eyes.

You sighed and whispered softly, "Thank you."

He grinned and kissed you again.

"Disgusting!" Sam yelled running into the viewing deck. "STEVE!"

Sam hugged Steve and Peggy. You looked up at Bucky.

"I brought some old folks that wanna meet you," Bucky said.

"Oh my god, is it Colonel Sanders and his wife?" You asked. "Ya know, the chicken guy."

Bucky chuckled and shook his head no. He brought you into the room and you gently moved him out of the way. You go to Peggy and immediately hug her.

"You must be Y/n," Peggy said cupping your face.

"Yes, and you're Peggy Carter and it's honor to meet you. I wish to understand how you dealt with that man and that man," you said and you pointed at Steve and Bucky.

Everyone in the room laughed except Bucky and Steve.

"I've heard that they've done a lot stupid sh-stuff back in the olden days," you said. "It's a mystery to me at they've lasted this long."

"I'll tell you, sweetie," Peggy said moving you to the couch and the two of you sat down.

You looked at Bucky and had a huge smile on your face. It felt like Bucky fell in love all over again and he just smiled back at you. Steve could see it in his eyes at how in love he is with you. Steve has the same look when he sees Peggy. He's very glad that Bucky met someone who makes him feel that way.

To be continued?

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