Giant A** Teddy Bear - B.B.

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Fury pulled up to the cabin in the woods. You are sitting in the back with Bucky. He's clinging onto you tightly. He's terrified and confused to why you're helping him when he almost killed Fury. You and Fury had pulled Bucky off the shoreline in DC and it took a lot of convincing from you that he's safe with you and Fury.

"We're here, kids," Fury said looking back at you.

(Time skip)

Fury has left to deal with some things. Bucky hasn't slept at all and he's been here a week with you. You're worried about him.

"Hey, come on," you said taking his flesh hand.

Bucky just looked at you. He hasn't really been talkative at all which you don't mind that much. You led him off to your room.

"Lay down please," you said getting on your bed.

He hesitantly gets on the bed and lays down on his back. He's all stiff and tense. You lay down beside him and hold his hand.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you," you said looking at him. "You're safe with me, James."

"It's Bucky," he said and that made you smirk.

"Alright, Bucky, get some sleep," you said.

He sat up and let go of your hand. He took off his long sleeve shirt and he then lays on top of you. His head is buried in the crook of your neck and he wrapped his flesh arm around you. He let his metal hang off the bed and you covered him with the soft fuzzy blankets. You wrapped your arms around him and held him close knowing he'll want some comfort and to know that you're there.

"Night, Bucky," you whispered softly but the man has fallen asleep and you can hear his ever so quiet snoring. "Giant ass teddy bear."

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