I Promise (2) - B.B.

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Imagine: You somehow make it to be 97 and still look like a 20 year old due to cryo and the super soldier serum. The last time you saw your boyfriend was at the Stark Expo.


You are escorted by a fellow S.H.I.E.L.D to the Avengers Compound in upstate New York. The agent is giving you a tour while you absentmindedly listen and scroll through your Instagram feed. You're supposed to move in with the Avengers. You know Steve is alive and well but you don't know about Bucky. The two of them don't know that you're alive and you come up in conversations often.

You somehow managed to lose track of your tour guide and decided to go off on your own. You put your phone into the back pocket of your black skinny jeans. You walked into the living room where Steve and Bucky are telling stories of you and the olden days to the twins and a few others who wanna listen to two old men talking.

"We were going down the roller coaster and Y/n was screaming bloody murder and she was latching onto Buck for her dear life—," Steve said and you stopped dead in your tracks knowing that's not how the story went.

"Excuse me! You were the one screaming bloody murder and latching onto MY boyfriend holding on to dear life! And let's not forget you throwing up after we got off onto some innocent children, Stephen," you said crossing your arms and staring directly at the blonde.

"Agent Y/l/n!" The agent said.

You flipped around before your eyes could find Bucky's and the agent took you away. Bucky immediately ran after you. He grabbed your wrist and you spun around gracefully taking a knife out. You put it to his neck and you locked eyes with his.

"Y/n..." he whispered.



"Yeah?" You asked and once again your tour guide hasn't even noticed what was going on.

"C-could you put the knife away?" He asked softly looking at your lips.

You blushed and put the knife into your pocket. He cupped your face with his flesh hand and placed his metal hand right on the small of your back. You put foreheads together.

"I missed you," you said.

"Do you still love me?" He asked.

"Of course. I love you so much," you said pressing your lips against his and wrapping your arms around his neck. "I have never stopped loving you."

"Good, I love you too," He said smiling. "Do you uh... think we could umm...?"

"Buck," you said smiling up at him.

"Yes?" He said nervously.

"Ask your question, Sarge," you said giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay, okay. I know it's been a really really long time and I'm still hot and you're so goddamn beautiful and I Uh made you promise at that Stark Expo," Bucky said.

You hummed in response.

"Well," He said pulling you closer. "I'm wondering if you would... maybe uh like if we picked up where we left off?"

A huge grin spread across your face and you pressed your lips against his tenderly.

"That's a yes?" He asked breathless.

"Yessir," you said not being able to get rid of this smile on your face.

"I think I need to make up for lost time," he muttered.

You couldn't help but giggle and he led you off to his room. Let's just say doors were locked and some sheets were ruffled...

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