Tattoos - B.B.

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Now, you have a shit ton of tattoos. None of the Avengers have seen the full extent of your tattoos cause you wear long sleeves and sweaters cause you're cold half the time and it's winter. It's become this sort of thing for the Avengers to see who will be able to see most/all of your tattoos. Bucky is the new comer to the team and is very curious too. Though he's a bit more gentlemanly on trying to find out.

Bucky is at the punching bag and you just walked in wearing black leggings, grey hoodie, and black tennis shoes.

"Yo, Jamie, you wanna spar with me?" You asked getting on the sparring mat.

"Sure," He said.

He took off the boxing gloves and you wrapped up your hands. He already has his flesh hand wrapped up. He comes onto the mat.

"Let me help," Bucky said.

You let him finish up wrapping both hands.

"Ready?" You asked getting into defensive positions.

"Yeah, you?" He asked.

"Ready," You said.

You both started sparring against each other. You know he'll probably come on top but you keep performing at a high level.

(Time skip)

"Woah, hang on," you said backing up.

You take off your hoodie and he takes off his shirt cause you both are sweating a lot. You both tossed the articles of clothing to the side. You readjusted your ponytail and he quickly admires all the tattoos he can finally see on your body.

"Like what ya see, Sarge?" You asked getting back into position.

"Yeah, I do," Bucky said honestly.

"I like what I see too," you said with a smirk on your face to hide the fact that you are blushing.

He smirked and got into position. You both immediately got started. Punches were thrown and kicks were received. You both were having a good time either way.

Steve, Natasha, Clint, and Sam walked in.

"Oh fuck, he wins the bet," Sam said as Bucky knocks you down.

"I'm so fucking disappointed," Clint whined.

"Watch your language," Steve said sternly.

You quickly swiped a leg under Bucky's and he falls on his ass. You swiftly moved and pushed him down. You straddled him and held his wrists down to the mat.

"Let me have a 5 second of victory," you breathed out.

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5," He said slowly.

Bucky then pins you down onto the mat.

"Coffee?" He asked getting in your face.

You nodded and he got off of you. He helped you up and you two walked past the others picking up the t-shirt and hoodie. Bucky of course grinned holding your hand.

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