Dog Tags - B.B.

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You sat on the edge of your bed fiddling with your dog tags and staring at the floor absentmindedly. A lot has been on your mind especially a Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. He comes to you for help and a sort safe haven to get away from the drama in the compound. You feel like your only a friend to him and you rather not but you don't wanna ruin anything between the two of you by saying anything.

Earlier, you managed to get Bucky his own dog tags. Of course, they aren't the original since they were destroyed/lost but you always noticed him fiddling with yours whenever he's near you. He could be talking to you and he'll just lift the tag up with your information and run his thumb over the engraved lettering. He's practically memorized everything on it. He'll also have you next to him watching a movie with everyone just so he could mess with the dog tags around your neck like how you are right now.

You had put the dog tags in a small box and left it on his nightstand with his phone below the box knowing he'll definitely see it. Now, you didn't write a note or give any indication that it's from you cause you hate doing that with gifts. You hate when people Thank you cause you don't know how to respond to it. Maybe before you joined the service, you did know how but you don't now. You've never have been one for attention or anything like that so maybe that's a factor too.

Bucky came out of his bathroom after taking a shower and getting dressed in black sweatpants and a grey T-shirt. His phone buzzes so he goes to his nightstand and he eyes the small navy blue box. He picks it up in his metal hand and picks up his phone in his flesh hand. It's of course Steve sending Bucky random emojis cause Steve finally figured out how to get/send emojis.

"Idiot," Bucky whispered and tossed his phone onto the bed.

He carefully lifted the lid off of the box and saw the glint of the shiny new dog tags. He grinned widely seeing his name pressed into the metal and he took them out of the box. He inspected them and ran his thumb across the lettering just like how he does with yours. It made the man so so so very happy to get his own dog tags again. He just doesn't know who would've gotten him something so thoughtful.

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