Baby Drama(2) - S.S.

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You couldn't find any comfortable position in bed. Your husband is sleeping soundly which pissed you off but he did just come back from filming and you're happy to have him since it's almost the due date in 2 weeks. Nonetheless you were wide awake and it's 2:30am. The baby keeps kicking and is not gonna let you sleep either.

You sat yourself up on the bed with your back against the headboard. You looked over at a peaceful Sebastian sleeping shirtless and his back is to you. His lips are slightly parted and he has a slight smile on his face as he sleeps. You just found too adorable and it annoyed you. So many emotions in one place.

You once again tried getting some sleep. You kept tossing and turning, moving pillows around. Sebastian woke up and immediately looked at you. You're looking up at the ceiling with scowl and your arms are crossed over your chest.

"Baby?" He asked quietly as he kissed your cheek. "That's an adorable face you got there."

You glared at him. He placed his hand on the baby bump and felt the kicking. He immediately knew what was going on.

"I'll go get some pants on and a shirt," Sebastian said giving you a quick peck on the lips.

He turned on the lamp on his nightstand and he got out of bed. You sat yourself up and watched him put on a clean dark grey t-shirt and his black joggers that you love on him. Thighs of betrayal is all you can say.

You then watched him put on a pair of his white tennis shoes. He came around to you and held out his hands for you. You placed your hands in his and he helped you up.

"Where are we going?" You asked as he slipped your Uggs onto your feet.

You're already wearing black sweatpants and one of Sebastian's shirts.

"Dunno, thought I could drive my pregnant wife around and maybe the baby will chill out for a couple hours so that she could get some rest before he comes," Sebastian said standing up.

"You're too sweet," You said pressing your lips against his.

"Thank you," He said.

He grabbed you one of his hoodies. All of his clothes have practically become your maternity clothes. You came over to your husband and he gave you the hoodie. You put it on and he wrapped his arms around you.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," you said and you puckered up your lips for him.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. He put on his jacket and you put on your glasses. He grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone. He takes your hand into his and intertwined your fingers together. He then leads you out of the apartment and down to the garage. You kept a hand on your stomach and kept feeling little kicks from the baby.

You both got to his car and you grabbed his hand as he's about to open the passenger door for you. You placed his hand where you felt the kicking. Sebastian feels the flutters and he's grinning widely. He kissed you passionately and it almost turns into a make out session.

"Get in, baby, it's cold," Sebastian said opening the door for you.

He holds out his hand for you and he helps you get into his car. You buckled up and he closed the door for you. He walked around the car and got into the driver's seat. He buckled up while closing the door. You turned on both seat warmers and the heat. He backs out of the spot and drives out of the garage. Once on the road, he took your hand into his and once in awhile, he'll kiss your knuckles which made you blush.

The empty roads made it so much easier for Sebastian to try and not go over any pot holes. You soon fell asleep and he enjoyed your light breathing. He even turned off the radio.

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