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The bus was a dirty yellow and the doors struggled to open for me. I scoffed as Jiyoung and Joon hugged me, telling that they would miss me, and I pushed them away from me. They wouldn't hit me in front of people.

"Sweetheart, please behave" Jiyoung said putting on a sweet voice. I shrugged her hand off my shoulder and the driver put my suitcase in the storage and I climbed into the bus. I grabbed a free seat in the middle of the bus and ignored the looks I was getting from a few guys sitting at the back of the bus. I pulled my snapback lower on my face and folded my arms, stretching my legs out as far as they could go on the cramped bus.

The windows had bars on and it was like I was heading for juvie. I'd rather juvie that carry on living with those people pretending to care for me. I should have gone with Jaeho and not live with those scumbags. I still didn't understand how he didn't see how they treated me compared to him. He was either stupid or he turned a blind eye.

As the bus drove away from my house, I picked at the holes in my jeans and listened to my music to try and pass the time. Eventually, I got bored and drummed on my legs, humming along with my music.

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I looked up at one of the boys who was sitting at the back of the bus.

"I'm Taehyung" He said sitting across from me "Nice to meet ya"

"Harley" I said, pausing my music "Likewise"

He grinned, and his tongue played with his lip piercings "How old are you?"

"What's it to you?" I snapped, and he grinned wider "Can you just leave me alone?"

"You're cute" Taehyung said, "Just to let you know, the school we are going to is full of boys...mostly"

"And you would know because?"

"It's not his first time there"

I looked up and another guy sat near me. He was just as cute as this Taehyung guy and his tattoos were nice, just like Taehyung. His dark bangs covered his eyes and the silver ring in his lip, was being pushed around by his tongue, revealing a silver ball sitting in the centre.

"I'm Jimin" He smirked "You are fresh meat for this school. Especially cause you'll be one of the few girls there"

"Like I care" I muttered.

"I have a great idea" Taehyung grinned "We will be your friends and we can look after you"

"I don't need looking after"

"Sweetheart, you'll need looking after since you are fresh meat" Jimin laughed "I like you. It's not every day you get a girl fighting back"

I rolled my eyes "I'm not scared to fight a guy"

"Huh" Taehyung said, "Well, Harley Quinn. Count yourself as one of our friends"

"Who said I wanted to be your friend? And don't call me that" I muttered.

"Listen Harley" Jimin said, "There are people in that school who are much worse than you and I put together. You will need friends to survive here. It might be called a correctional school, but it fucking isn't"

I frowned "What do you mean?"

"This is almost as bad as juvie" Taehyung said "And I've been there. Kids like us are sent here to get us off the streets because we get into fights and commit petty crime. I can probably guess that the cop that mentioned this to your parents said that if you get arrested one more time you end up in juvie"

"They aren't my parents"

"Foster kid?" Jimin asked, "Same here but I was being kicked out unless I agreed to come here"

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck "I'd rather be at this stupid school than live with those people"

"Amen to that" Taehyung said, "Come sit at the back with us before more people get on. We were told that we have a few more stops and we need to introduce you to Jungkook. He doesn't talk much but he's alright"

"Fine" I sighed and followed them to the back of the bus. The boy they were talking about was playing on his phone and when I sat beside him, he looked up at me. Jesus. What was with these guys being good looking?

"Kook, this is Harley" Taehyung said, "She's going to be around us more often. That cool?"

Jungkook just nodded and held his hand out to be shaken. I shook it and he almost cut the circulation to my hand at how firm he held me. He sent me a tight smile and carried on playing with his phone.

"Just to let you know" Jimin said, "That when we get to the school, our phones are taken away from us. We only get to use them in free periods and when school isn't in session"

"That's like prison" I said.

"Exactly" Taehyung shrugged "They want us to feel like prisoners but there is always a way round their rules"

"So...why are you back here and not in juvie?" I asked.

Taehyung grinned "My mum cried to the judge begging him to give me another chance. She used my father's suicide as an excuse for my bad behaviour. Some of it had to do with my dad, but most of it was because I don't give a shit and I like to have fun"

"How old are you?" I asked, looking at his tattooed skin.

"19" Taehyung said, "Jimin is 19 as well and Jungkook is 18"

"How comes you are all covered in tattoos?" I asked.

Jimin shrugged "Because why not"

"Fair enough" I said, "So...how exactly does this school work?"

Taehyung groaned "Don't get me started! It's like boarding school, so we share a room with someone else. The lessons are practically like normal school, but we have life coaching sessions and we are made to speak to a counsellor once a week. One is a group session and the other is one to one"

"Great. Just what I need"

"Don't worry too much sweetheart" Jimin said, "Chances are, you'll be in all our classes. If not, then cry to the man in charge and he will put you with us. Since you are a girl, he'll fall for it"

"No, he won't" Jungkook said quietly "He won't fall for shit. Harley is here for a reason. Just like us"

"It's worth a shot" Taehyung said, and he threw his arm around my shoulder "So, tell me Harley Quinn. Do you have a boyfriend?"

The sun almost blinded me as I jumped off the bus and I stretched my legs out before I headed into the line with the other people on the bus. After I was picked up, a few more kids were forced onto the bus, but they didn't look like the people who got into trouble. Which confused me because the last stop was in a posh neighbourhood and the guy who got onto the bus was wearing expensive clothes and jewellery. But, I guess you could never judge a book by its cover.

Taehyung yawned loudly "I'm so ready for bed. I wonder who my roommate is this time"

"I hope its me" Jimin said, "The last person I shared with snored so loudly. I got into so much trouble for pinching his nose as he slept. He almost died on me"

I glanced around, and my breath caught in my throat as a big man marched towards us.

"Here comes the big man" Taehyung muttered "Just don't answer him back. Ok?"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now