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I rinsed my hair of soap and carried out singing as loud as I possibly could. I didn't give a shit about my neighbours and it wasn't like Hana wasn't singing along to the songs.

"Suck my cockiness, lick my persuasion!" I sang and turned the shower off. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me, before stepping out into the bedroom to see Hana dancing.

She grinned at me and pointed at me "I want you to be my sex slave, anything that I desire"

"Be one with my feminine, set my whole body on fire"

She giggled and turned the music down and sat on her bed "Where are you going?"

I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed some clothes "Nowhere"

"Did you really think that was going to work on me?"

"No" I smiled "You're going to think I'm a hoe"

"I already think you're a hoe" Hana said "So, who are you going to see?"

I bit into my lip "Namjoon wanted to talk to me"

Hana laughed and shook her head "The only talking that he will be doing is with his dick"

"And if I want to let my vagina do the talking, then I will let it" I said with a smile "I have something I want to ask you though"

"What is it? Can you get dressed first please? You are making my heart beat like a madman" Hana wiggled her eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes. before going into the bathroom. I quickly pulled on a pair of shorts and a baggy top, then stepped back outside.

"Why were your parents not here?"

Hana's smile faded "My parents have never had a healthy relationship. With each other or me. Let's leave it like that for now"

"Oh. Ok" I said "Sorry. Did I upset you?"

"Nah, you're cool" Hana smiled "So if Hoseok wanted to talk with you, would you go?"

I shrugged "Maybe...wait, I don't know. Did you know he told me that he liked me?"

Hana's eyes went wide "I'm sorry what?"

"Yeah, I was shocked as well to be honest" I said running my fingers through my wet hair "He has a girlfriend though"

"Yeah and she's fucking crazy" Hana said "She speaks in third person because she thinks it's cute. I think it's fucking weird and she's a fucking bitch. She sliced a girls face just because she asked Hoseok for the time"


"I know!" Hana exclaimed "Oh fuck. We are allowed out this weekend again and I know she will turn up. You have to avoid Hoseok at all costs. She won't hold back and I know that you can fight, but she's on another level. A nutter. She needs to be locked up"

"How do you know so much about her?"

Hana scoffed "I've known the boys for years and she just suddenly appeared. I think Hoseok's dad got them together. Something about carrying on their last name and keeping the peace between to gangs"

"Wait...gangs?" I asked and Hana froze "Hana, what the hell?"

"Oh poop" Hana said folding her arms "I wasn't meant to tell you that. Ok. It's too late anyway. So, Hoseok is the son and next heir to the Jung mafia. That's why people are scared of him. Not even Kang will touch him. Hence the reason he is never in trouble for fighting"

"Holy fuck" I said sitting on my bed "Why didn't he tell me?"

Hana shrugged "I don't know if he is proud of it or not. I mean, he uses it to his advantage when he needs to. Maybe he didn't want to scare you off"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now