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The rest of the week went quickly, apart from me getting pulled into Mr Kang's office nearly every day. I ended up with more bruises on me and it was getting to the point where I wanted to smash his face into the wall until he stopped breathing.

I sat on my bed, messaging my friends. Hana went to see her friends, so I had the room to myself. The boys said they would sneak in but I had a feeling they were still asleep. Since it was only 10 in the morning. I was surprised that I was awake, but I was in a lot of pain and as I rolled over to say bye to Hana, by body woke up and kept me awake.

Zico: yo, you pussy ass bitch. Why aren't you at home?

Me: got sent to a correctional school. It's like a prison

Zico: fuck off. They got you then?

Me: it was that or juvie

Zico: what's the difference from prison and school?

It's the same to me

Me: Shit. You right xD

Zico: when are you coming home?

Someone knocked on the door, so I dropped my phone and went to answer it.

"Hello beautiful" Taehyung grinned "We brought snacks"

"It better be the good stuff" I said, letting them come in. I went back to my bed and Jimin jumped onto it, spreading out "Do you mind?"

"Your bed is so comfy" He smiled "Sweetheart, can I move into your room and share a bed with you?"

"You'd drop your best friend for a girl?" Taehyung pretended to cry, and I rolled my eyes. He pouted and sat on the floor next to Jungkook "They gave you the phone back then?"

"Someone left it in a brown envelope outside the door. Hana found it when she left this morning" I said "It just said 'I got it back for you' but I don't know who it was from"

"Do you have a stalked already?" Jimin asked and sat up "Who is Zico?"

"A friend of mine" I said, "He didn't know where I was. My foster parents probably told him to fuck off"

"Harley, do you have a boyfriend?" Jungkook asked and we all looked at him "What?"

"Are you hitting on me, Jungkook?" I asked, with a small smile.

"No!" He exclaimed "You are hot, but it's just a question"

"Don't pout" I laughed "No, I don't have a boyfriend and thanks for calling me hot"

Jungkook shrugged and folded his arms "You are. I wasn't going to lie about it"

"Sweetheart, would you like a boyfriend?" Jimin asked, putting his arm around me.

"No" I smacked his hand "Give me food"

Taehyung laughed and threw some crisps to me "Now, we need to think of a plan to get that bastard back for hurting HQ. She's covered in more bruises"

"How is he getting away with hitting a student?" Jimin said "A girl as well"

"Because this place is a fucking joke" Taehyung said, handing me a drink "No one cares about the kids sent here. We're just scum and being here stops us from causing problems"

"How can we get him back?" Jungkook asked, "It can't be anything that will get us kicked out. I don't want to go back to juvie"

Taehyung shrugged "I thought we could brainstorm or something. HQ, do you have any paper?"

I climbed off the bed and went down my bag and pulled out a pad of paper. Taehyung took it and scribbled some things down. My phone buzzed, and I checked the messages.

Taeil: heard you got locked up

Me: yup. It's a 'correctional school'

Not juvie...just yet

Taeil: how'd that happen???

Me: got arrested without you!

Taeil: should have run faster

Me: fuck you asshole

We spent the next half hour trying to come up with a plan to get Mr Kang back when someone knocked on the door. The boys jumped to their feet and hid in the bathroom. I opened the door and my shoulders dropped.

"What do you want Hoebag?" I asked.

Hoebag smirked at me "Is that anyway to talk to someone who stole your phone for you?"

"That was you?" I frowned "Shit. Take it back. I'll get it myself"

"Now, now Trollface" He said, pushing his way into the room "I think we should have a talk"

"I don't want to talk to you. Get out. Hey! Don't make yourself comfortable"

"You punched me" Hoebag glared at me "You must have a death wish. So, I am here to give you one last warning. Follow my rules or you suffer"

I rolled my eyes "Listen Hoebag. I have seen scarier frogs than you, so do yourself a favour and get over yourself"

Hoebag stood up and backed me into the wall, putting his hands either side of my face. He smirked and leaned into me, speaking into my ear "Trollface, I warned you"

"Well, let me warn you" I said, grabbing his shirt "If you come near me again, I will personally see to it that you-"

"I'm home!" Hana said crashing through the door "Harley, I have some news for you! And why is Hoseok in here? Oh my god! Did I interrupt you two? Shit. I'll go back to Yoongi, so you can have sex. Sorry guys! Wear a condom!"

"Hana!" I exclaimed as she ran back out the room "Ugh. Come on!"

Hoebag chuckled and pressed his body against mine. His lips were close to mine as he spoke to me "I'm more than happy to have sex with you...but I'm not gentle"

"Oh fuck yourself" I said pushing him away. I was sure my cheeks were red "I won't be having sex and even if I wanted to have sex, it wouldn't be with you"

Hoebag snorted and ran his hand through his hair "Like anyone is better than me? You should be grateful I thought about having sex with you. I would definitely shag you. I've imagined you naked and I'm sure you won't disappoint when I do get to see you naked"

I gasped "You pervert!"

"What? You're hot and I'm sure you'd look great face down and ass up"

"That fucking does it!" I growled, and I swung for him. He ducked and ran out the room "You fucking run you creep! If you come near me again I will slice that pencil dick off!"

I slammed the bedroom door shut and my friends came out the bathroom.

"Things just got really interesting" Taehyung said, "You know that he isn't interested in any girl here? Wait...maybe we can use him to get back at Kang! HQ, I think you can get him to help us out. Flirt with him. Have sex with him if you have to. We need him to help. I'm so fucking smart!"

I groaned and fell face first on my bed. I wanted to fucking shoot myself.

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