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As soon as the siren rang the next morning, I knew it was the day to get back at Kang. I woke feeling fresh and determined. I glared at my reflection, staring at the fading bruises dotted on my face. It was time for Kang to wake up and smell the shit coming from his ass hole. Because I was going to load his coffee with laxatives and watch him suffer.

"Harley" Hana called through the door "Are you ready yet?"

"I certainly am" I smirked and pulled the door open "Let's go and kill the day"

Hana giggled slightly "You look dressed to kill. What are you planning to do today?"

I threw my arm around her shoulders "Today is the day where our plan gets put into motion"

"The plan where Kang shits out his organs?"

"The very one" I grinned.

"Is that why you are dressed all in black?" Hana asked with a smile "Or are you trying to impress a certain boy named Hoseok?"

"Shut up" I said, following her down the hall "I don't need to dress to impress. I'm not dressing to impress him either. Most of my clothes are black"

"If you say so" Hana sang "Also, h-has Yoongi asked about me?"

I frowned "Yoongi doesn't talk to me. We don't like each other"

"Oh" She said fiddling with her hair "It's just that you were in his room for a while last night. I thought he might have asked about me"

"We spent most of the time arguing" I said scratching my ear "Hana, why would you want to go back to him after he treated you like shit?"

She shrugged "We have a lot of history together, but I won't get into that because TaeTae looks just as determined as you"

I strode forward and sat down next to Jungkook. The boys smiled widely at me and slid some food to me. I didn't bother eating the grey sludge, so I ate an apple and some toast. I downed my tea and rubbed my hands together.

"You look crazy, sweetheart" Jimin said with a grin.

"A real Harley Quinn" Hana smiled.

"Then who is her Joker?" Taehyung asked.

"Hoseok" Hana giggled "He would really like to be your Joker, I know that"

"The boy is a joke...not a joker" I muttered "Anyway, are you ladies ready to slip some pills into his coffee?"

Kang was walking up and down the classroom, making sure that we were all doing our work. The teacher suddenly grew some balls and was being a dick head. Kang just encouraged him to act more like a prick.

"Scum" Kang said, pointing at me "Get your pathetic ass up and answer the question on the board"

"Yes sir!" I said, brightly and he looked shocked. But he quickly covered it up with a scowl.

"Hurry up!"

As I walked by Taehyung, he slipped a pill or two...or four into my hand. I smiled at Kang and he stepped out of my way, so I could write on the board. I answered the question, wrongly because who the fuck needed an alphabet in maths. He grabbed my hair, as I had hoped and shoved me forward. I pretended to trip, and I fell onto the desk, quickly dropping the pills into his coffee. I let out a sigh of relief when no one spotted it. I was an expert at pickpocketing, so slipping pills into this guys coffee was a piece of piss.

"Next time you answer the question, make sure you answer it right, scum" He said, pulling on my hair.

I winced but managed to nod. Kang let me go and I ran my tongue over my teeth as I went back to my desk. I rubbed my scalp and scowled at him. Kang just smirked and lifted his coffee, swirling the hot liquid around in his mug before taking a gulp. It was hard to stop myself from smiling, but I couldn't help it. I quickly covered my mouth and turned to look out the window.

He was going to shit his pants before the lesson ended. They were strong laxatives. I was going to enjoy this.

"Why are you smiling?" Hoebag asked, "Kang just hurt you and you are smiling"

"I'm in a good mood" I said, "And that asshole can't do anything to take that away"

"Unless he puts you in hospital again"

I glared at Hoebag "He won't get the chance to. Trust me"

"Uh-huh" Hoebag drawled out "So, what did you put in his coffee?"

My eyes widened slightly "N-nothing"

"You can't lie to me Trollface" Hoebag smirked "What were they?"


"If you don't tell me, I will accidentally on purpose knock his coffee onto the floor"

"Just tell him HQ" Taehyung said turning around "There isn't much we can hide from him. Don't forget who runs the school"

"A moron runs the school" I muttered and turned to face Hoebag "If you are that interested, I slipped him some laxatives"

"For what reason?"

I frowned "So he can shit himself in front of everyone"

"That's weak" Hoebag laughed slightly "If you want to get him back, you need to think of something better than him shit his pants in class"

"This is only the beginning" I said, turning back to face Kang "Shitting himself is the least of his problems"

I watched as Kang downed his coffee and his eyes scanned the room, until they settled on me.

"You" He hissed "Why aren't you doing your work?"

I ducked my head down and he shouted at the rest of the class. I rolled my eyes and lifted my eyes to watch him. I didn't know how long the pills took to kick in, but he was shifting on his feet. A smiled crept onto my face when I saw sweat drip down his forehead.

He cleared his throat and walked back and forth, looking at everyone's work. As he got closer to my table, the sweat had become more prominent on his ugly forehead. I could hear his heavy breathing from here and as he stepped next to Hoebag, his stomach made a funny noise. I held in my laugh and Hoebag bit into his lip, trying not to laugh.

Shit. I thought I was the only one to hear that.

"Ok class" He blurted out...but that wasn't the only thing he blurted out.

Kang let out an almighty fart that sound like it rippled his ass cheeks and something must have followed.

I wasn't the only one to look up at him in shock, but I was the first person to laugh along side Hoebag. The class erupted into laughter and everyone turned to look at Kang, who was standing in shock at what came out of his asshole.

Tears were streaming down my face and I had to lean on Hoebag to try and catch my breath. He held onto me as he laughed just as hard as I did.

"Oh god!" Hoebag gagged "Kang, did you shit yourself?"

Kang's eyes went wide, and he ran out the room, probably leaving a shitty smell trail. The class were struggling to breathe from how hard they were laughing and I wasn't the only one to cry with laughter. 

Tears were now stinging my eyes and I used my sleeve to wipe them away. Hoebag looked over at me once I calmed down, but when we caught eyes I burst into laughter again, making Hoebag laugh along with me. 

This was going to be so fucking fun.

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now