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Jaeho caught me as I launched myself at him and he hugged me back, but when he let me go his eyes were wide.

"Harls" He said "What the hell are you doing here?"

I frowned "What do you mean?"

"I mean, why the fuck are you in this school?"

I looked over at Jiyoung and Joon "Did they not tell you?"

Jaeho looked over at his parents "Is this why she hasn't been contacting me? Because she was sent here as well?"

"As well?" I asked "Jaeho, what do you mean?"

"Mum" Jaeho glared at Jiyoung "You told me you spoke to her!"

"I told her you were travelling" Jiyoung said "Why would I tell her something that doesn't concern her?"

"Because she is family"

Joon scoffed "Son, she has never been family"

"No" I said "I'm just a pay check that puts food on your table"

"How dare you-"

"You son's of bitches" Jaeho said "You lied to me and you lied to her!"

"We did it to protect you from her" Jiyoung scowled at me "She's irrelevant in this family and-"

"She's my sister" Jaeho snapped.

"She's a piece of shit" Joon said "That's what she is. Look at what she has done to this family. All she ever does is cause problems. You wouldn't be in here if you stayed away from her"

"Dad, I'm here because I was given a chance to stay out of prison"

"What the fuck is going on right now?" I asked "Jaeho, why are you here?"

Jaeho looked at me "Maybe we should talk some place quiet. Then you can tell me what-"

"No" I said stepping away from him "I thought you were different. I thought you were on the right path and not like me"

"Harls, it's not that simple" He said.

"Forget it" I said "I wanted to be like you because you had everything going for you. I thought you didn't like gangs or fighting"

Jaeho sighed "I just didn't want you to get into more trouble. I guess my parents didn't help you with that"

"Your parents are nothing but fucking ass holes" I hissed "They were the ones to throw me in here! They were the ones who only want to foster me because they get shit loads of money"

"Harls, listen to me"

"No" I said "Forget it. The one person who I thought could help me get away from all this shit has lied to me since day 1. You're just as bad as everyone else I trusted"

"Harley wait!" Jaeho called as I turned and ran. I looked over my shoulder and saw him chasing me, but even though I was in a lot of pain, I wasn't going to let him catch up. 

I forced my way through the crowds and headed to where I last saw Taehyung. He was standing with his mum, Jimin and Jungkook, laughing and messing around. I carried on running forward and almost tripped over, but I stayed on my feet.

Taehyung looked up and stopped smiling as I crashed into him, tears falling down my face.

"Harley" He said "What's wrong?"

"Everything was a fucking lie" I cried into his chest "Jaeho isn't who I thought he was"

"Your foster brother?" Jimin asked "Is he here?"

"They said he was travelling but they lied to me" I said, trying to stop myself from crying "But he's here in this school"

"Oh you poor girl" I heard his mum say "Did you want a mum hug? They always make you feel better"

"I just want to leave this place and never come back"

Taehyung held me tighter but didn't say anything. I felt the other boys hands rest on my shoulders as I cried.

"Harley" His mum said and I turned my head to look at her "Don't say things like that sweetie. Life won't always be this difficult"

"I wish it was that simple" I sniffed "I don't have a family. I'm by myself and-"

"You aren't by yourself, HQ" Taehyung said "You have me. You have Jimin and Jungkook"

"And from this moment on, you have me" Taehyung's mum said "Oh! I didn't introduce myself did I? I'm Yoojung"

"Did you want to go somewhere quieter?" Taehyung asked and I shook my head "Are you sure?"

"If I go somewhere quiet, I won't be coming back"

"Come here sweetie" Yoojung said "Let me wipe your face of tears"

Taehyung pushed me towards his mum and I stood awkwardly as she dabbed tears from my face.

"There" She smiled "You've become pretty again. Now, where are your foster parents?"

"Mum" Taehyung said "You promised you wouldn't say anything!"

I looked over my shoulder and saw them talking to Kang, with Jaeho standing beside them. He was staring at me and I turned my back on him.

"It doesn't matter where they are" I said quietly "You don't want to meet them"

"I've met Jimin's foster parents" She said "And I have also met Jungkook's parents. Which means, I have to meet yours"

"Shit" Taehyung said "Mum, do you have to be like this every time you meet one of my friends?"

"Yes" She chuckled "Lead the way Harley. I'm sure they won't mind me meeting them"

"I don't think this is such a good idea" I said and she grabbed my hand "They don't like me"

Yoojung smiled at me "There is a reason as to why I want to go over there, sweetie. Mr Kang is there and I need to have words with him"


We all looked up at the new voice and i saw his shoulders slump. A little lady rushed over and reached up to pull his cheeks.

"Darling, you keep running off and leaving us behind" She said "What son does that to their mother?"

Jungkook slapped his mum's hands away and stepped away from her, putting me between them. His mum looked up at me and gasped.

"Jungkook!" She said "You have a girlfriend! And such a pretty one at that. Even with all the bruises. Hello darling. I'm Jinhee and this is my husband Jay"

"She's not my girlfriend" Jungkook muttered "Harley is a friend"

"Then she still has the chance to be your girlfriend" His dad laughed "You've never been able to speak or go near girls, so Harley must be doing something right"

"Harley isn't much of a girl" Jungkook said quietly and I elbowed him in the gut.

"It was nice to meet you" I said "But... I have to excuse myself"

"Ok darling" Jinhee chuckled "I hope to see you when you get back"

I forced a smile and quickly let the group and headed for the exit. I was planning to lock myself up in my room and not leave until I knew everyone had gone home.

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