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The silence was unbearable and when Hana stepped between Hyungwon and me, my eyes went wide. Before I could say anything she spoke.

"If you even think about laying your dirty hands on me, you will regret it" She said, her arms outstretched beside her "If you don't take that smirk from your face, I will happily remove it for you"

"Can you believe this baby?" Hyungwon laughed "The loud bitch thinks she is brave"

Hana giggled "Oh honey, you are so cute. I don't think I am brave...I know I am brave and if you think I am going to back down from a fight from a skinny bastard like you, then you have another thing coming"

"Sweetheart" Jimin said kneeling beside me "Let's take you to see Poppy"

I nodded and he helped me to my feet and pressed a tissue to my nose. I winced and looked over at Hyungwon who was just smirking, and it was making Hana angrier.

"Stop smirking" She said "I will rip that smirk from your face and take your filthy eyes away from Harley. You don't deserve to look at someone who is well out of your league"

"Shut the fuck up" Hyungwon snapped "Do you ever shut up? Do you know how fucking annoying your voice is? It's almost as ugly as your face"

Hyungwon swung for Hana, but Yoongi rushed forward and slammed Hyungwon against the wall by his throat.

"If you value your hand, I'd back the fuck off" Yoongi growled.

"Let's just go" Jooheon said, stepping away from Jin with his hands in the air "I don't want a fight"

Hyungwon shoved Yoongi away "You're lucky my friend is a pussy or I'd bury your face into the wall"

"I'd like to see you try" Yoongi said, not backing down.

"What is going on here?"

Everyone turned to see a group of teachers standing there, and Hyungwon laughed.

"You got lucky today" Hyungwon said walking away "See you later kitten...don't forget my promise"

I sat on my bed with the boys spread out across the floor and Hana's bed. My eyes watched Hana as she paced up and down the room, muttering about what she wanted to do to Hyungwon's pretty face.

"I will beat him so much that even his mama won't recognise him" Hana muttered "Mark my words Hyungwon. Your face will be lying on the floor with me stomping on it"

She let out an evil laugh that sent shivers down my spine. I turned away from her and sighed.

"You shouldn't have gotten involved" I said quietly.

"If you are about to tell us that you put up with that for our protection, then I am going to slap you" Hana said and sat down between Jungkook and Jimin "You need to know something about what friendship really is"

"I don't want you to get hurt"

"Harley, I have been in situations much worse than a pretty boy trying to hit me" Hana shrugged and smiled at me "You need to trust me"

"I do trust you"

"Then stop feeling sorry for yourself and learn to rely on others" Hana giggled "Seriously, you are the only girl friend I have here and if you can't trust me, then I feel like I have let you and myself down"

I groaned "Hana, don't make me feel bad. I feel bad enough as it is"

"What did you see in a prick like that?" Hoebag said, clenching his fists "Just cause he's got a pretty face doesn't-"

"He saved me...sort of" I said with a sigh "We sort of knew each other before I was put in foster care, and when I first ran away, he was there. Along with the others and Zico and that lot. I liked the bad-boy but he...he changed after his parents died. I mean, I knew he was crazy but he got worse. Zico did me a favour when he took me away from them"

"And who the fuck is Zico?" Hoebag asked.

"Are you jealous?"

"N-no!" He said "Why would I be jealous of some fucking friend of yours?"

"You can't hide your jealousy" Hana said with a shrug "Be honest with yourself"

"You're one to talk!" Hoebag snapped "What about Maya?"

Hana glared at him "What about her?"

Hoebag shut up and Jungkook threw something at me. I shot a look at him, but he threw more things at me. Jimin joined in and Taehyung launched a pillow full pelt at my face.

"Hey! Why are you- ow! Don't throw things at me" I said, throwing everything back "Do you want a split lip?"

Taehyung grinned and hugged me "HQ, I agree with Hana. You need to trust us more. We're friends and friends look after each other"

"So why are you trying to feel me up?"

"I'm not" Taehyung said moving his hands back to my shoulders "HQ...we have a plan remember? We get Kang but now that pretty boy has snaked his way into the plan. Did you think I will run out of pills?"

I sighed "I don't want him to just shit our his organs"

"Don't worry about that" Hoebag said "I'll deal with him and his friends. You stick to Kang...Hyungwon and his friends are mine"

"Just to let you know" I said, "His friends never hit me"

"Don't give a fuck" Hoebag hissed "They didn't do anything to stop him from hitting you and in my eyes, that's just as fucking bad. Who the fuck does his think he does? Hitting a girl. He'll be lucky to keep those damn hands when I'm through with him. Just you wait, Harley. He will regret ever knowing you"

No one said anything as Hoebag went on a rant.

"That bastard thinks he's so smug. Fucking idiot. I will make sure that his stupid hands are shoved so far up his ass, that he'll have to open his mouth to wave at people from behind bars. He'll be drinking his food for the rest of his life and will be shitting teeth for weeks" Hoebag cracked his knuckles "Hitting women is one thing, but hitting Harley? No. Doesn't sit right with me. He'd be lucky if I don't tear out his intestines and strangle-"

"Well...ok then" I said, interrupting him "Can you make sure I am nowhere near you both when you decide to attack?"

Hoebag smiled softly at me "Harley, who said I was going to dirty my hands?"

A/N: Thank you hoes for your concern...so here is a double update.

I have a few questions for you all.

1. Why do you think people are scared of Hoseok?

2. What do you think the history is between Hana and Yoongi?

3. Do you think Harley should fight Hyungwon herself, or rely on others?

4. Who is your favourite character/s, and why?

5. I will need another name soon, so give me a name and tell me why the name should be used. It can be male or female.



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