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Taehyung was pouting and had his arms folded. Jimin sent me a wolf-whistle and Jungkook couldn't look at me.

"I'm not saying you are hot" Taehyung said, frowning at me "You cheated on me"

"What? Because I didn't tell you that I knew them" I smirked "I still won and Jungkook told me to go over to them. It wasn't like the ice-cream was expensive"

"I wanted to kiss you though" Taehyung pouted some more "You were a really good kisser"

I snorted "I know that, but ice cream is life"

"Well, I think she is hot" Hana giggled "Please buy that dress"

"Hell no" I said, "Isn't it a bit short?"

"It's not short enough sweetheart" Jimin winked at me and Hana smacked his leg "Why don't you wear it tomorrow night?"

"Because I have an outfit already" I said, "I'm wearing shorts and that strappy top Hana made me buy"

I pulled on the hem of the dress but quickly pulled it back up as I started to expose more of my boobs. It was a black strapless number that barely covered my ass. Ok. So, it covered my ass, but it was short. Much shorter than any dress I had seen before. I just felt so uncomfortable in is and there was no way in hell that I was going on a night out wearing a small piece of material.

"How am I meant to fight in this?" I asked, "My underwear will be on show"

"You won't be fighting" Jungkook said, still not looking at me "You'll get into trouble"

"Hana, please can I take this off now?" I said, and Hana took a photo of me "Delete that!"

"Never!" She grinned "You really are beautiful. Have you thought about being a model?"

I sent her a 'really' look and she giggled. I turned to face myself in the mirror and twisted my hips side to side. I had a great body, don't get me wrong and I wasn't full of myself, I just knew what I was given. I pulled at my dress again and ran my hands through my hair, dodging all the knots. I never brushed my hair because most of the time my natural curls hung around my face. Hana had paid someone to straighten it...I don't know why because I would wash it again tomorrow and defeat the purpose of straight hair.

I slumped my shoulders "Hana, give me my clothes back so I can get out of this dress"


I turned to argue with her, but my eyes went wide at the 4 boys standing behind her.

"What's wrong?" Hana asked.

"Holy shit" Jin said, making my friends jump "That dress doesn't leave much to the imagination. Bend over for me"

"N-no!" I said, going red in the face. The 4 boys were looking me up and down like I was their lunch and I saw Hoebag lick his lips "I dare you to lick them one more time"

Hoebag smirked at me "I fucking knew your legs would look that good...they'd look better wrapped around me"

"Hana. My clothes" I said, and Hana threw them at me. I rushed back to the changing room and threw my jeans and loose top back on. I was half hoping that Jin and Namjoon would sneak into my changing room and have their wicked way with me, but they didn't, and I wasn't starring in a porn movie.

"How disappointing" Namjoon said, biting into his bottom lip as I came back out "Although, I did get to see that fine ass you have when you ran off"

My body went up in flames "Take me now!"

"Hey!" Hoebag snapped "Stop flirting with my friends"

"What are you going to do about it?" I asked "You aren't getting into my knickers...those fine gods beside you can. But not you"

"Let's go" Hana said, and walked away from the group. Yoongi watched her go and rubbed the back of his neck. He fucked up and I wanted Hana to slap him.

Taehyung walked towards me and smirked "I'll get that kiss I want HQ"

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah" He giggled "My tongue will be in that pretty mouth of yours again"

"And do you know what I'll do if you succeed?" I asked, putting my arms around his neck.

"Kiss me back?"

"Nope!" I grinned "I'll bite your tongue off"

"Kinky" Taehyung laughed and threw his arm around my shoulder "Let's go and stock up on snacks"

"Sounds like a plan" Jimin said getting to his feet "Jungkook, you can look at Harley now. She's dressed"

Jungkook went bright red "Shut up!"

"How cute" I said, and I held his hand "You are such a foetus"

"J-Hope take Harley away from us"


"With pleasure!" Hoebag said grabbing hold of me "You and I need to talk"

"Jungkook!" I said as he walked away "Just you wait! I am going to make you pay for this"

Hoebag dragged me after him, and his friends closely followed. I couldn't start a fight in the middle of the shopping centre especially because there were so many security guards wandering around. I'm sure a few were following my friends and I. Kang probably told them that scum would be turning up and to keep an eye on the scum from his school.

Fucking idiot.


I looked up from being dragged around by Hoebag and grinned widely when I saw my friends.

After the bet, they had disappeared for some reason...probably shoplifting or something illegal, or even falling asleep somewhere. I pulled my hand away from Hoebag and ran over to them.

"Whoa!" Kyung yelped as I jumped into his arms. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, hugging him tightly "Did you miss me?"

"Of course I did!" I said, "When did you get back?"

"Last week" He said, squeezing me "Kwon told me what happened with bitch 1 and 2"

I slid down his body until I was standing up. I shrugged slightly "What can you do?"

"Is this school any better?" Zico asked and I shook my head "Why? Cause you have to do work?"

"Shut up" I said pushing him slightly and he ruffled my hair "It's like prison. This weekend is the only time we are allowed away from school. Which is why I called you pussy's down here, so we can party tomorrow night"

Bomb snorted "I thought that you'd get sent to juvie if you party with us"

I grinned "I know, so that is why I am going to avoid any sort of fight"

"It's not like you can run away from police" Taeil laughed "You need to work on your running"

"Maybe you should warn me sooner next time" I said narrowing my eyes at him "I wouldn't have got arrested if you had told me they were getting closer!"

"Who the fuck are these guys?" Zico asked as I spotted Hoebag from the corner of my eye "I don't like them...already"

"Who are you?" Taeil said, looking the boys up and down. Shit. There was going to be a fight.

Hoebag smirked "I'm Harley's boyfriend. Why? Who are you?"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now