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Kang backhanded me, and I didn't fall this time. I licked my split lip and stared at the pictures on the walls. Don't cry Harley. Don't give him the satisfaction of crying.

"You are scum" He chuckled, and I gulped back tears. He stuck his hands behind his back and started walking around his office. I avoided looking at him and stared at the shit on his desk. I blanked out everything he was saying. I just hoped he didn't attack from behind.

My eyes wandered around his desk, trying to find something that we could hide the pills in, but so far, nothing. I used my thumb to wipe the blood that trickled down my chin and Kang made me jump, by grabbing the back of my hair, and slamming me face down on the desk. I yelped in pain, and tears pricked my eyes.

But I had found what I was looking for.

"Get back to class you piece of shit" He said and banged my face against the desk one more time, before letting me stand up.

I left his office with my head held high and I quickly walked back to class. My friends looked up at me and I could see their eyes darken. But I sent them a small smirk and headed to my seat. Hoebag wasn't there and neither were his friends. Hana was sitting alone at her table, writing down what was on the board.

The siren rang out and my friends huddled around me.

"That bastard made you bleed again" Jimin said, handing me a tissue.

"Doesn't matter" I said quietly, "Because I know how we can slip him pills"

"What?" Taehyung said "How did you find that out?"

"When he slammed my face into the desk, but that isn't important" I said and before they could speak again, I cut them off "He's taking steroids"

"I knew it" Jimin said "No one can have muscles like that and not take them"

"What about bodybuilders?" Taehyung said "What about the worlds strongest man competition? Did you ever-"

"Does that matter right now?" Jimin said, "We have a way to slip him these pills, and you are trying to argue about steroids?"

"I have a question" Jungkook said, "How are we meant to slip him the pills? Because every time you are in his office, he beats you"

"That is a problem" Taehyung folded his arms "Unless one of us knocks in his door to distract him"

I licked my lip "I don't know"

"Can't we just make him shit for now?" Jimin asked, "Right now, I want him to shit himself in front of everyone"

"That's not a bad idea" I said, and the door opened. Hoebag and his friends came in and I watched Yoongi sit down next to Hana. He ignored her, and tears appeared in her eyes. Hoebag lifted Jungkook up by the scruff and lifted him away.

"Hey!" I said, "You can't do that to my friends"

"Watch me" Hoebag said and sat down next to me "After school you- where are you going?"

"What's it to you?" I said, walking away from my table "Hana. Want to skip class?"

Hana looked up at me and a tear fell from her eye. She nodded and started to put her things in her bag. Hana kept looking over at Yoongi, obviously wanting him to stop her...but he didn't. Yoongi still ignored her and carried on typing away on his phone. Something inside me snapped and I snatched his phone from him.

"Hey!" He yelled and grabbed the front of my top "Give my phone back"

"Alright" I said, and he let me go "Fetch"

I launched his phone across the classroom and it smashed against the wall. The class was dead quiet and Yoongi went red with anger.

"You are a fucking bitch!" He yelled "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You are a fucking asshole" I hissed, and I shoved him "Go on. Fucking hit me. Cause if you do, I will fucking beat the shit out of you"

"Harley" Hana said quietly "Don't get yourself into trouble over him"

"What else is a friend meant to do?" I said, still glaring at Yoongi.

"Let's just go" Hana said, grabbing my hand "I just want to go"

"You're picking her over me?" Yoongi said, looking at Hana.

"You chose Maya over me" Hana snapped, and Yoongi's eyes widened slightly "Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"Babe, you-"

"Save it" Hana said, tears falling down her face "I don't want to hear excuses. Harley let's go. I can't be around him anymore"

Hana ran from the room and I glared at Yoongi. I clenched my fists and Yoongi ran his hands through his hair, in frustration.

"Fuck" He muttered.

My fist drilled into his nose and his head snapped back, and he fell over the chair and crashed onto the floor. I had no idea why I punched him, but it was probably because he made Hana cry.

Blood trickled from his nose and I stepped over him, before I ran after Hana. I could hear Taehyung call my name and the chances of them following me, were high. If I could reach Hana before she completely broke down, then I didn't care. It was strange. I hadn't known her for long, but she still considered me a friend. To be honest, I didn't have many girlfriends back home and Hana obviously needed a friend.

I ran down the stairs ignoring the pain I had and managed to catch up with her. I grabbed her hand and stopped her from running off.

"Girls!" Taehyung yelled catching up to us "Time to go"

Jimin and Jungkook almost crashed into us but dragged us after them. I looked over my shoulder and saw a few guards reaching the bottom of the stairs. Taehyung grabbed my hand and Jungkook grabbed Hana. We ran as fast as we could, but considering I was always the only one arrested out of my friends, I had to try and keep up. Taehyung was so much faster than me and I was in pain.

"Meet you at the usual spot!" Taehyung said, and his friends rushed away "You need to work on your running"

"I know. Why do you think I got arrested to much?" I said, trying to catch my breath "What do we do? They are catching up"

Taehyung chewed his lip "Shit. I have a plan"

My body groaned out in pain as he pulled me into another building. We raced through the halls until we reached a dead end. Taehyung yanked open a door and pulled me inside. He closed the door as quietly as he could and led me through the room in the dark. I bumped into a few things but held in my curses.

"In here" Taehyung whispered and pulled me into another room. I stepped in and my heart was beating like crazy "Sorry. It's a bit small"

Small? It barely fit us!

Taehyung put his hands either side of my head and wiggled his leg, so that it sat between mine. We were pressed against each other, and I could feel his breath on my face...and everything else. I tried to get comfy, but it wasn't working. I moved my arms and held onto his shirt, trying to calm my breathing. I moved my hips to try and dull the pain and Taehyung sucked in air.

"Harley" He whispered "Don't. Move"

"Why?" I whispered back, moving again.

Taehyung lowered his mouth to my ear "Because you are going to give me a boner"

A/N: aren't you lucky with these updates today :D

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