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It was our group therapy session and I felt sick. My hands were clammy and it felt like the walls were getting closer to me. I was tapping my foot and playing with the bracelet I had on and it felt like everyone was looking at me. I knew they weren't, but I was getting paranoid.

"Who wants to speak next?" Poppy asked and she looked around the faces in the group. It was only a small group, and I had never spoken. Taehyung spoke a lot but that was because he was better at it. I never wanted to talk about why I was there or the reason why I started being a troublemaker "Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked up and sighed "Alright...I guess"

I was grateful that the group only consisted of my friends, plus Hoebag and his friends. The group had become smaller because Poppy thought it was better this way. It made everyone want to talk because we were closer than the other lot. It still didn't stop the pain in my chest when I thought it was my turn to talk.

"I guess I just got into the wrong crowd" Jungkook shrugged "I don't really have a backstory. I have alright parents and they support me"

"What made you want to rebel?" Poppy asked.

Jungkook bit into his lip "I was trying to impress a girl"

I looked over at him and noticed his cheeks were pink. Wait, was he talking about Hana? Oh my god, he was going to confess.

"What made you think she would want the bad boy type?"

"Because she always went for that type," He said, rubbing the back of his neck "She was always nice to me but her eyes were always on the guys who could fight and protect her"

"I see" Poppy said, "And where did that get you with her?"

"It didn't" Jungkook said, "She still had eyes for someone else and I could never fight him. He's much...he was much stronger than me. I'm not scared of him I just don't want to get beat up"

"Jungkook, do you still have feelings for her?"

"I won't stop having feelings for her" Jungkook said quietly, "I love her but I can't tell her that"

Jimin and I glanced at each other, before turning our attention back to Jungkook, who was bright red in the face.

"Can I ask why?" Poppy asked.

Jungkook sighed "Because she is in love with someone else. But he is a dick and he doesn't know how to treat her"

"I see" Poppy said, "Do you mind if I ask you something else?"

"Go for it" Jungkook mumbled.

"If you could confess to her, what would you say?"

Jungkook shrugged "I don't know because I will never do it"

"Why is that?"

"Because I know she doesn't love me back" Jungkook snapped "Is that all? I'm done talking about this"

Poppy smiled "That was very brave of you Jungkook. I'm glad you have made some progress. That is all for-"

"Wait," I said, interrupting her "I...I think I should talk today"

Everyone turned to look at me, and I looked anywhere but there faces. The silence was horrible but I needed to talk. It was about time I spoke about my past. They were my friends and they needed to know the truth.

"I'm a little bit surprised," Poppy said, "But I won't stop you. Just remember that if you can't talk anymore, just say what Jungkook said"

I nodded and stared at my bracelet "My parents were abusive. They neglected me...my brother and I" I took a deep breath "You all know that but..." I paused "My brother killed himself, which you also knew about but I was...I was..."

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now