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It had been a month since I had been back to this school, and I was walking though the doors with my head held high. I didn't even care that all the teachers and guards were smirking at me.

My friends from my home town had come to visit me in hospital and I had to pretend that I didn't know who had beaten me up. I didn't want them to get sent down for murder. If anyone was going to kill him, it would be me. That was if they could prove it was me. I was going to make him shit out his intestines and cry about how floppy his dick was.

As I walked through the building, other students watched me from their classrooms and I ignored their muttering. No point getting into a fight over them thinking I was dead. I could have died from how hard Kang beat me, but I was lucky. It wasn't my time. It made me burn with anger and revenge. That dumb bastard was going to fucking pay for what he did.

The teacher looked up when I pushed the door open and the class went silent. I walked to my desk and dropped onto the heavily, staring at the teacher. He was one of Kang's followers and I wasn't going to back down from a fight from that skinny rat. I had bigger dinners than him. He was just a piece of shit that relied on Kang's power to control the class.

"And here I thought you had died" He sighed "What a shame"

"When you fuck Kang, do you give or take?" I asked, and his face went red with anger "Asking for a friend"

"You stupid little-"

"Finish that sentence and you'll be fucked but not just by Kang" Hoebag said, "I'll get my parents involved and I know you don't want that to happen"

The teacher cleared his throat "The rest of the lesson you will study. I have things to do. If any of you leave this room, I will send you to Mr Kang"

No one spoke until the teacher left.

"Fucking wanker" I muttered, and my friends rushed over to me. Hana sat on my lap crying into my neck and I sighed "Why are you crying?"

"Because I missed you so much!" She cried "I've been so lonely without you"

"I'm back" I said, awkwardly patting her back "You can get off me now"

"No!" She cried "I thought you died"

"It felt like I did, but I didn't" I said. She climbed off my lap and wiped her eyes "Your makeup has run"

"I don't care" She said "Why aren't you crying? You should be crying because you missed me"

I smiled "I did miss you, but the hospital didn't give me a chance to think about any of you. I also had my eyes set on the hottie that was my assigned physio"

Jimin smiled softly "Was he that hot to forget about us?"

"You didn't see him"

"Was he as good as us?" Jin asked, sliding across my desk "Because I'm sure I can wipe your mind of him"

I blushed "You probably could...but...shut up"

Jin chuckled "It's good to see you back, Harley. It's been boring without you"

Namjoon hugged my head "Hello beautiful. Did you miss me?"

"M-maybe" I said, pushing him away "Don't touch me. I'm still fragile"

Taehyung sighed "Why did you lie to the doctor?"

I shrugged "I didn't. I don't remember what happened"

"That's bullshit" Hoebag hissed "You fucking know what happened, so why didn't you go to the god damn police?"

"Why are you so angry?" I frowned.

Hoebag ran his hand through his hair, obviously frustrated "Because you could have got him sent to jail. But you just walk back into the school like nothing happened"

I chewed my lip "I have my reasons"

"Then your reasons are stupid" Yoongi said folding his arms "Do you really think that you can come back to the school and not have him target you again?"

"Then let him target me" I said, "I'm not going down without a fight. I've never been a quitter and that fucking bastard isn't going to make me one. No matter what he does"

"Then let me help" Hoebag said.

"Me too!" Hana said, throwing her arm in the air "I know the school like the back of my hand. If you need anything, I can get it for you. You are my friend and I am going to help you"

Taehyung patted my hand "Don't forget we are here to help you. Kang has walked around like he is god, and it's time to end it"

"He isn't a god" I said, folding my arms.

"We know that" Jimin said.

"Jin and Namjoon are the gods in this school" I said, smiling slightly and my friends laughed.

Hoebag just tutted and folded his arms "They aren't the only hot ones in this school. You seem to forget the one sitting next to you"

"Are you jealous?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow up and his cheeks went bright red.

"Shut up Trollface!"

"Yup. You're jealous" I laughed, and he kicked the table "Don't throw a paddy Hoebag. You're hot too. You just aren't a god like Jin and Namjoon"

That was a big fucking lie. Hoebag was just as hot, I just didn't want to admit it in front of him, because he might try to make me follow his rules again. Maybe. I don't know, but he wasn't going to hear it from my mouth. That was a definite. If I was being honest to myself, I'd have Hoebag over Jin and Namjoon any day of the week. I had already experienced how fucking hot it was to make out with him and felt what I did to him.

I quickly cleared my throat, clearing the dirty thoughts floating through my head and I made myself think of something else...but holy hell did his dick pop into my head. Why couldn't I think of anything else? My thoughts went back to when he was parading his half naked sexiness around in front of me, and his dick flapping around in my face...ok, so again, it wasn't flapping around in my face but it was still big enough to make a bulge in his not so tight boxers. But I knew how big it was when he was between my legs, kissing me like his life depended on it.

It was a hot, steamy make out session and I could feel a nice burn settle in the bottom of my stomach wanting more than a kiss.

"Oh, come on!" I said out loud "What is wrong with you?"

"HQ, are you feeling alright? Maybe you should have stayed in hospital longer" Taehyung said, with a concerned face "Were you allowed out?"

"Yeah. I wasn't going to stay there any longer" I said, running my hand through my hair "If I agree to let you losers help me, I am making the rules and you have to follow them"

"Suck your mum" Hoebag said, "If you seem to have forgotten, I rule this school. My rules or we don't help you"

"Why don't you suck your mum?" I narrowed my eyes at him "If you want to help me then you have to listen to me?"

"Go fuck your mum"

Jimin sighed "Sweetheart, why don't we talk about this later?"

"Fine" I said, turning away from Hoebag "Without this moron. He doesn't join in with our plan until he agrees to do as he is told"

Hoebag smirked and put his arm around my shoulders "Baby, I'm not a submissive. But you will find out sooner or later when I finally get to finish what I started with you"

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