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Kang walked back and forth behind me, and I was waiting for that punch to the back of the head. My body was tense, just thinking about how hard that man could hit. I shouldn't have been in this office but I was the one who got caught punching Helena in the face. That bitch hit me first. To think I had a good group session an hour earlier.

I sighed and Kang grabbed hold of my ponytail "Ow!"

"Did you think you could get away with your second murder?" He hissed in my ear.

"Excuse me?"I said through gritted teeth "I've not killed anyone"

"You think you can get away with it, but I will stop that," He said and slammed my head onto the table. My eyes shook in my skull and I held back tears.

I rubbed my forehead as he walked around his desk and chuckled. I tutted and my eyes zeroed in on his pecks, which were now tits. I almost smirked and I looked up at his smug face. I was going to make this bastard cry.

"I've decided to make a very important phone call," He said, "And that phone call will send you to prison. I won't send you to juvie because scum like you should be thrown in with the big boys"

"You can't-"

"I have all the evidence I need to prove to them that you are only getting worse here" He smirked and folded his arms, pushing his growing tits further up. I had to hold back my laughter "Since you entered my school, you have been nothing but trouble. You have caused fights, you have hit teachers and other students"

"I've not-"

"You have caused death at this school, you piece of shit" He snapped "The judge will rule in my favour and you will be gone. Your precious friends won't get to say good-bye, because you are leaving within the next hour"

My eyes went wide "You can't do that! I've not hit any teacher and I didn't kill anyone!"

"Who would listen to you?" He said reaching over to grab me "You deserve to rot in jail. It's where you belong"

"Fuck you!" I said, pushing him away "You're the one who deserves to rot in jail. You fucking asshole. You have bigger tits than me! You limp dick"

Kang's eyes went wide with anger and he flipped the table, sending everything flying. Holy shit. I guess he didn't lose all his muscles. I screamed slightly and I tripped over my own feet trying to get away from him. I grunted as he pounced on me and wrapped his hands around my neck. I screamed as much as I could and I smacked his hands and face, but he didn't ease up.

I could feel my head wanting to explode, and even the veins in my head wanted to pop. My world was starting to fade but there was no way I was going to die without fighting back. My lungs burnt as they cried out for oxygen but I had to fight. I reached out with my hand and grabbed the first thing I could, and swung it with the little strength I had left, hitting him in the side of the head.

"Ow!" He hissed and loosened his grip slightly. It was more than enough to drag in some air "You bitch!"

"Fuck...you!" I spat and I lifted my hands to pinch and twist his nipples. He screamed out like a little girl and he let me go. He crashed into the flipped table, rubbing his newly formed boobs and tears were in his eyes.

I had rolled onto my side, coughing and spluttering for air. My head was spinning and I struggled to get to my feet. Holy shit. Being strangled to death was an awful way to go. My lungs didn't want to cooperate and it felt like I wasn't breathing. I fell to my knees, not far from Kang and tried to breathe in as much air as I could, but it was like there was something caught in my throat. It was probably panic more than anything.

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled and he was on my back in seconds, hitting me with everything he had. His big ugly arm wrapped around my neck from behind and cut the air off to my lungs once more. I couldn't fight him in this position. I tried to dig my nails into his arm, but he just added more pressure.

Everything hurt and everything was blurry. My body became limp and I let my arms drop to the floor.


Life...it's been a pleasure. Shame I didn't get to go out with a bang really. I always thought I'd go out in some sort of big fight. But here I was being strangled to death by a big ugly man who was growing boobs.

Good riddance to the big ugly bastard.

I knew my body had given up because all I saw was darkness. I welcomed it. I could see my brother again. We could be a family again.

But I suddenly gasped, and someone's mouth moved away from mine.

"That's good," The voice said, "Take slow breaths, Harley. Nice and slow. Good girl. That's it"

I painfully opened my eyes and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Call an ambulance," He said, "We need to take Harley to a hospital"

"Am I dead?" I croaked and the man shook his head "Shit"

"Harley, if we hadn't of reached you in time, you would have died," He said, "Do you know who I am?"

I nodded and numbly tried to lift my arms to my throat, but I couldn't control them. I smacked myself in the face but he moved my arms to my side.

"Take it easy Harley," Heejun said "You were gone for a minute"

"What?" I whispered "I was...I was dead?"

Heejun nodded and looked up at something "Take him away. I don't want to see his face right now"

"Yes sir"

"Let me sit up," I asked and he helped me sit up. The world was spinning and my stomach rolled on me. I turned my head and fell to the side, throwing up what I had for lunch.

"Let it out Harley," Heejun said rubbing my back "When you feel better, you know I'll have to ask some questions"

I nodded and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand "C-can I have s-some water, please?"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now