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The three of them just stared at me, with worry in their eyes. My mouth had gone dry and I couldn't find any words. I was speechless and it wasn't often that happened to me. I blinked and realised that I was crying.

"Oh sweetheart," Yoojung said, putting her arm around my shoulder "You don't need to cry. We aren't lying to you"

"But why would y-you do that?"

"Because you deserve the best," She smiled and wiped my tears away "You deserve the best in life and we want to be by your side when you do it"

"B-but you don't know m-me. What i-if I get into t-trouble and you'll be so disappointed and-"

"That won't happen," Lina said, "I've known you for about 10 minutes but from what Flea has told me about you, I doubt that we would ever be upset with you. I mean, look at Flea. He is always in trouble but mum has never turned her back on him. Do you know why?"

"Because he's strangely annoying and loveable?" I asked and Lina laughed.

"Exactly that," Yoojung said "He is my son and sometimes I question his decisions in life, but I would never turn my back on him. I love him and that is what a mother is there for. Supporting and loving their children no matter what"

I swallowed the lump in my throat "C-can I think about it?"

"What's there to think about, HQ?" Taehyung asked, "I already told you there is only one answer and that is yes"

"I know but-"

"Let the girl think about it," Lina said "Jeez. It's a hard decision for her, so give her some time. I get that you fucked her but-"

"Can we not talk about that in front of mum!" Taehyung said, slapping his hand over her mouth and he glared at her "Really not the fucking time"

Yoojung sighed "I'm not stupid darling. But I also know that you both love each other. It's obvious that you love each other, but as friends"

Taehyung sighed "I know I love her as a friend but I am not talking about our sexual history together. You are my mother"

"And I'm not stupid. I know what teenage boys get up to. Don't forget I was with your father when I was 16. It wasn't like I didn't get up-"

"Don't want to hear about that," Taehyung and Lina said, covering their ears.

"Sweetheart, think about it. Ok?" Yoojung said and I nodded "This is something that only you can decide. We won't pressure you but just know, that even if you don't agree to it, you will always have a roof over your head. Lina even cleared out the spare bedroom for you, for when you can leave this school"

I nodded "Can I let you know by the end of the day?"

"Of course, sweetheart," She smiled "Now, get back to your friends. I'm sure you'll want to talk to them about it as well"

I nodded and got to my feet "Um...thank you. For everything that you've done for me. I really...just thank you"

"Anytime sweetheart," Yoojung said, and Taehyung followed me out of the room. We didn't speak until we reached the common room, where the group was playing pool.

"Hey Taehyung," I said, grabbing his hand "They...you weren't lying to me were you?"

Taehyung sent me his box smile and hugged me "HQ, no. We weren't lying to you. I don't think I've ever lied to you. But we want this, so really, it's just up to you now. Even if you don't say yes, you're moving in with me. I don't care"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now