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I could only protect my face as the group punched and kicked me. Beside me, Taehyung was yelping in pain and the other side, Jungkook and Jimin were curled into a ball, just like me.

A punch slipped through my arm and it crunched against my jaw. My eyeballs shook in my skull and I cursed loudly. The teachers weren't around and I had a feeling Hyungwon was behind this. No. I knew he was behind this. Other students were on the tables yelling fight and cheering on the beating.

No one had stepped in to help us. They just filmed and laughed at us getting beaten the shit out of. I was fucked off and in pain. Not even that bastard Hoseok had jumped in to help and when I healed from this beating, I was going to beat him up.

So much for looking after me and threatening Hyungwon.

I knew I couldn't trust anyone but myself. I had thought I was learning to trust others again, but that fucker broke down that wall. I only had myself to blame for trusting in him so quickly. I had thought he was going to look after me and make sure that Hyungwon didn't do anything like this. But I was wrong.

So fucking wrong.

The last kick hit me square in the stomach, and I gasped in pain, trying to take in a deep breath, but it was painful and it burnt my throat.

"My poor baby" Hyungwon said, lifting my head up by my hair "You don't look so great"

"Fuck you" I managed to say and he just laughed, and patted my cheek hard. I bit back my yelp of pain and he pulled on my cheek, making tears reappear in my eyes.

"You never learn" He said making me sit up. My ribs cried out in pain and he ran his thumb up and down my cheek "Harley, baby, this will teach you not to get on my bad side"

I managed to laugh "You think this will stop me from kicking your ass?"

Hyungwon smirked "I would like to see you try"

"Fucking watch me" I snapped and he slapped me.

"Not even that boy could help you" Hyungwon whispered in my ear "I don't care who his family is because when I want something, it will be mine. And that thing I want is you"

I glared at him and he smiled.

"That's such a pretty look" He said and he kissed me quickly on the lips "See you around kitten"

Taehyung and Jungkook were on the beds either side of me, and Jimin was on the bed in front. We were carried to the nurses room and she screamed when she saw us, so much that teachers ran in to see what was going on.

Fucking teachers.

Fucking useless bastards.

Poppy had called her friends at the hospital because we refused to go. There was nothing to do with cracked ribs, I just had to suffer until they healed. And as for my face, I was lucky I didn't swell up like a fucking balloon. I was bruised and cut. My nose was broken and Poppy had to realign it for me. I screamed like a fucking baby but when Jungkook's shoulder was popped back in, he threw up and then passed out. So he was the bigger baby than me.

"Hey, HQ" Taehyung mumbled "Do you think I'll pull a girl after getting a beating like this?"

I smiled painfully "Don't worry. You're hot even with the bruises"

"I think you just pulled" Jimin said.

"This is fucking great" Taehyung said "Let's say you and I disappear for a few hours?"

I laughed and regretted it immediately "Shit. Don't make me laugh"

"You think he's joking?" Jungkook said "Why don't you two just fuck and get it over with? We all know you both want a shag"

"Why don't you forget about having sex for now?" Poppy said making us all jump "What's more important, is healing properly. Now, as for what happened I can't do anything. Kang doesn't care and neither do the teachers. No student is talking. Well, apart from Hana because she is very angry"

I snorted "Of course she is. She missed a fight"

"I have a question" Jimin said, slowly sitting up, the pain evident on his face "Why didn't Hoseok jump in to help?"

"Fuck that bastard" I said "He can go fuck himself"

Poppy sighed "I need to go and get some medication for you, so please will you all stay in bed? I don't want to have to lock the door again"

"We won't move Poppy" Jungkook said "I'd rather sleep"

"Good" She said "Please get some rest"

Poppy grabbed her jacket and left us in the room. I sighed and pushed myself to sit up.

"Why promise to look after me and then just watch us get beaten?" I said "I don't need him"

"HQ, maybe because he couldn't fight them all off" Taehyung said "I'm not standing up for him but there were a lot of guys"

"Don't care" I said "It shouldn't matter how many of them are fighting, I thought he had bigger balls than that"

"You should know" Jimin said "Didn't you see his dick?"

"I might be in pain but I will come over there and punch you"

"Harley" Jungkook said "Just forget about him. It's not like you have needed him before. You have us anyway"

I nodded "I still wanna kick his hoe ass"

"Shit" Taehyung sighed "Stop turning me on"

"Shut up Tae" I said and he grinned "How is me kicking someones ass turning you on?"

"You turn me on" He laughed and he quickly groaned "Ouch. When I'm healed I'm going to turn you on and I will show you how good I am in bed"

"I'm good in bed as well"

"Really? What's your favourite position?"

I grinned "On my side...asleep"

A/N: Sorry for the super slow updates. I have an active imagination and was focusing on some of my other stories. Hopefully I won't leave it this long again.

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Stay weird <33

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