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I held in a wince as I sat down at the table for breakfast. Jungkook slid me a tray of food and I thanked him quietly. I picked at whatever on my tray and I tried to eat it, but it tasted like shit.

"So" Jimin said "Do you have it?"

I silently took my phone from my pocket and slid it over to him "I almost got caught taking a selfie, but yeah. I have it"

The boys all stared at the photo and looked back at me with a smirk. I snatched my phone back and deleted the photo.

"There. My dares are done"

"Almost" Taehyung said "You still haven't made out with Jin"

"For fuck sake" I complained "Are you not satisfied that I had sex with Namjoon?"

"I can't say that I'm ha...no. Not satisfied" Taehyng said turning his head "Jungkook hasn't done his dare either"

"Kissing Harley makes up for not wanting to confess and I won't confess" Jungkook said quietly.

"I can't disagree with that" Taehyung said "HQ is a great kisser"

I sighed "You can't force him to confess to Hana. It's bad enough when she sits beside him. Give him another dare"

Jimin shrugged "Ok. I'll give him another dare"

"Thank you" Jungkook sighed "I've been having panic attacks just-"

"You have to have sex with Harley"

"No!" Jungkook and I slammed our hands on the table.

"Why am I always being involved in the dare?" I snapped "And after last night I don't think I will be able to have sex for at least a month. I can barely sit down!"

Taehyung huffed "Stop bringing HQ into it and Jungkook will have sex when he wants to. Also, I don't want to hear how good Namjoon was in bed"

I rolled my eyes "He was tougher than you but that doesn't mean he was better. Fucking hell"

"Oh" Taehyung grinned "Hear that guys? I'm better than the walking sex God"

I tutted "I'm leaving"

"How about we make a deal?" Jimin said as I got to my feet "We all do dares so that no one feels like they're being picked on. What do you say sweetheart?"

I didn't even need to think about it "Hell yes. I have the first dare for you"

"I didn't mean right now!"

"You have to strip down to your boxers, right now, and run around the canteen yelling 'you can't kill me. I'm a bad bitch'. What do you say?"

"And if I don't do it?"

I smirked "You have to smack Yoongi's ass and not get caught doing it. Personally, I prefer that one"

"So do I" Jimin said "Fine. I'll do it now as we walk to our class"

I giggled and shook his hand "I'm filming it"

"Me too" Jungkook said.

"Me three" Taehyung laughed "I like this game"

"Fuck. I hate you all" Jimin said and ruffled the back of his hair "Fine. I'll smack his ass. No one is seeing my godly body"

I smirked "Well you better hurry cause they are on the move"

Jimin jumped to his feet and we followed behind him with our phones out. He turned to look at us and sent us the middle finger before getting closer to Yoongi. Luckily for Jimin, there was a crowd and he slipped between the boys around Yoongi.

"Who the fuck did that!" Yoongi yelled and spun around, grabbing the first boy he saw. Jimin has made a run for it and didn't get spotted by Yoongi.

"W-what are you talking about?" The boy squealed.

"You think it's fucking funny to slap my ass do you?"

My mouth dropped open as Yoongi punched the boy square in the nose, dropping him like a sack of shit.

"Anyone else dares to fucking touch me, I'll fucking kill them!" Yoongi yelled and shoved people out his way to get out the canteen.

"Holy shit" I said and put my phone back in my pocket "I should have put a bet on to see how he reacted"

"HQ" Taehyung said throwing his arm around my shoulder "I like this game  maybe we should gang up on Jimin and give each other easy dares"

"I like the sound of that" Jungkook smirked "I won't forgive him for daring me to confess to Hana"

"So Jungkook fancies Hana"

We stilled at the voice and we slowly looked over our shoulders to see Hoebag smirking at us. I was sure that my heart wasn't the only one to be racing. That's all we needed. This hoe to know what our game was.

"Harley, did you wanna tell me that the dare you were given was to have sex with my best friend, or are you just going to keep it from me?"

I cleared my throat "W-we aren't seeing each other. I don't... there's nothing going on between you and me Hoebag"

"Oh. I'm well aware of that" Hoebag said stepping closer "But did you just brush off how I feel about you, just to fuck my best friend?"

"Um, you are misunderstanding what-"

"I like you Harley and it's bad enough that your fucking this dick head" Hoebag said looking at Taehyung "That I can understand cause it's just fuck buddies. But to fuck my best friend? That I don't get and it has seriously pissed me off"

I was slowly stepping back with my friends either side of me but Hoebag just kept stepping forward. He wasn't going to give up and I knew I had only one chance of running away without being caught.

"Oh man holy shit!" I yelled and doubled over "My ovaries feel like they are about to burst!"


"Oh no" I gasped dramatically "I think I'm about to bleed from my vagina! Quick! Get me to my room. I need a tampon!"

Hoebag went bright red in the face as people turned to look over and I had to stop myself from laughing.

I quickly turned around and we ran, leaving Hoebag calling after us. Beside me Taehyung was laughing and Jungkook was red in the face.

Jeez. You mention bleeding from the vagina and men just don't know what to do with themselves.

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