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Heejun sat in silence as I explained what happened. He just nodded and wrote down everything, not missing out on anything. He asked questions and I answered them. It was strange. I had never spoke to the police about anything because I would always be the one to be blamed for stuff even if it wasn't my fault. But I felt that I could actually trust Heejun and probably because Poppy ensured me he was trustworthy.

When I finished talking, it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders but I just broke down in tears. Poppy put her arms around me and I cried into her chest, letting painful sobs force their way from my chest. By the time I had calmed down, my eyes were puffy and my nose was blocked.

She smiled softly at me "Let's get you back to your friends. I'm sure they are worrying about you"

I nodded and got to my feet "Heejun...is Jaeho going to jail?"

Heejun got to his feet and sighed "Harley, I'm a policeman and he murdered someone. I have to arrest him. You know this"

"But it was self-defence. If he didn't-"

"I understand that Harley" Heejun said putting his hand on my head "I will do my best to present the evidence in his favour, but I can only do so much Harley. When this goes to court, it's down to his lawyer to protect him and the jury's decision will decide his fate"

I nodded "But he would have killed me"

"Yes, I know" Heejun smiled "But, Jaeho made his choice. There was another way to save you but he chose to take a life"


"Go back to your friends Harley" Heejun said "You need to be around friends right now. You went through something traumatic and you need your friends to keep you grounded"

I swallowed the lump in my throat "I know...but it's not like I haven't seen someone be killed before"

Heejun's face darkened slightly "You were not the one to take your brothers life. Now, get back to class before I march you there"

"Heejun" I said as Poppy walked me to the door "Thank you"

Heejun smiled softly at me "Harley. I have told you this before. I am on your side"

My friends rushed over to me when Poppy pushed me gently into the room. In fact, the class swarmed me and I backed into the wall.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Jungkook yelled and stepped in front of me "Well? Get the fuck away"

The class stared wide eyed at Jungkook's outburst but walked away, still watching me, making me feel uncomfortable. Jungkook turned to me and gave me his bunny smile.

"Did you want to sit down?" He asked, and took me from Poppy and led me to my chair "Here. We managed to convince the cops to give us hot drinks. Jimin even pretended he was having a panic attack"

Jimin laughed but forcefully "Yeah. I pretended. I mean, who would have a panic attack over their friend being made to follow-"

"It's fine Jimin" I said, "You don't need to pretend"

"Shit" Jimin fell onto his seat "I don't think I have ever panicked like that sweetheart. Are you ok? Did they force you into anything?"

I shook my head and sighed "No. I just told them the truth"

"What happened HQ?" Taehyung said, pulling my hand into his lap "We looked for you and when we got back to the school, cops were everywhere and telling us to go to our classroom"

I looked at my friends worried faces and I sighed "Hyungwon found me and then he beat me"


"I, uh, yeah" I said, my hands starting to shake "H-he had a-a knife against m-my throat"

"That's enough for today" Hana said "Because if you cry then I will cry and then the boys will cry and I can't handle boys crying"

I laughed slightly and quickly wiped the tears from my eyes "Yeah. Who can handle boys crying?"

"I know right!" Hana grinned "Hoseok went to call his dad"

"Why?" I frowned.

Hana shrugged "Don't know"

"He's calling his dad to see if he can help Jaeho out" Jin said walking over to me "Harley, looking beautiful even with the beaten face"

"Thanks" I muttered, feeling my face burn in embarrassment "Why does he want to help Jaeho?"

"Probably because he saw how hurt you were when he was arrested" Namjoon said, and put his hand on my cheek "Jaeho did what we all would have done"


Namjoon smirked "Baby girl, I would have killed Hyungwon if I found him going to kill you. Someone as cute as you doesn't deserve to be stabbed by some lunatic"

"Hands off" Hoebag said making me jump "I need to speak to her"

"I'm not moving!" I said grabbing hold of the desk "I have done too much moving today and I just want to go to bed and sleep and hope I don't have nightmares. You think I want to talk right now? You must be crazy, Hoebag"

Hoebag sighed "Can you just call me by my name? We aren't enemies"

"I like calling you Hoebag"

He tutted "Fine. Whatever. I guess I'll just talk to you in front of all these people then"

"Does it look like I care right now?" I said and I looked out the window to see Jaeho being walked towards the car by Heejun. I jumped to my feet and  yanked the window open "Jaeho!"

He stopped walking and turned to look at me, a sad smile on his face. Heejun released his arms, so he could lift his hand to wave.

"I don't hate you for what you did!" I yelled "In fact, I owe you my life! If you hadn't turned up then I would be in the back of that van right now!"

"Get back to class!" Jaeho yelled back "You need to become smart!"

I smiled "Don't tell the fuzz what they want to hear! Tell the truth!"

Jaeho shook his head with a smile "Don't get into anymore trouble Harls. You need to stay strong"

"When have I ever been weak?" I laughed.

Heejun tapped Jaeho's shoulder and said something and he nodded. Jaeho looked back up at me and waved.

"I love you Harls!" He yelled and let Heejun walk him to the back of the cop car. He looked up at me and climbed into the back of the car.

"I love you too Jaeho" I whispered and watched as Heejun drove the car further away from the school. 

I just hoped that wasn't the last time I saw him.

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now