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A female guard...sorry teacher led me through the building where students stayed and stopped outside a door. She looked over at me and then knocked on the door.

"Shit!" A girl hissed inside. There was a loud thump and the door opened a crack "Yes?"

The teacher sighed "Hana. Are you in there alone?"

"Obviously" The girl said with a bright red face and she looked at me "Is this my new roommate?"

"Yes. Hana, open the door" The woman said and folded her arms "Do you have a boy in there?

"I'm naked" Hana said "I was having a shower. Alone. No boy"

The teacher pushed the door open slightly and motioned me in. The girl was only wearing a knee length white top which was inside out and back to front. She closed the door after I stepped in.

"So" She said walking over to her bed and swung her arms back and forth "Welcome to my humble abode. I'm Hana and I guess you're stuck with me unless you fight me or get sent home"

I nodded and looked around the room. It was bigger than the room I had at home and the two beds sat on opposite walls. There was an open door which showed a fair-sized bathroom. Two desks sat at the end of the bed and two wardrobes sat against the wall.

"That's your bed" Hana said walking over to her bed and she poked the lump in her bed "I think you should go now. I have company"

A boy groaned, and he sat up, looking over at me "She's cute"

"I know right? Up you get" Hana said "If we get caught again we are going to be so much trouble"

The dark-haired tattooed guy pulled his clothes on and went in to kiss my new roommate. Ugh. It went on for too long and it was fair to passionate for me to be standing there. I cleared my throat and she giggled.

"See you later babe" He said, pecking her on the cheek and he quickly left the room.

I looked over at the brunette and she smiled brightly at me.

"That was Yoongi. He's my...I don't even know what he is" Hana giggled "So, why were you sent here? Looks like you get into fights. My kinda girl"

I turned and sat down on my bed "I fight. Yeah but it's not like I want to be here"

"Famous last words" Hana said "So I guess I should show you around. Let me get some clothes on"

A few minutes later Hana was leading me out the room. The corridors were full of boys and they were loud, and I almost wanted to smack their heads against the wall.

"We are sharing the building with boys as you can see but no boys are allowed in the room. I don't like that rule cause where can we have fun? It's not like the teachers keep an eye on us in here. It's the student's domain. So, if there is a teacher walking around they mean trouble" Hana said "There are some rules that you must follow but they aren't set by the school. They are set by students"

"Great" I muttered.

"There is a social hierarchy here. For starters, the one you saw in my bed is at the top with his friends" Hana said "As a girl you shouldn't have many problems with the hierarchy unless you step on their toes"


"The boys will act like animals but just put them in their place. Like punching them or even kicking them in the balls. They will soon leave you alone" Hana giggled "Right, this is the main room. We are allowed to have fun here. Pool table, air hockey and table tennis. Don't think you'll get away with fighting with the pool cues because then everyone else will suffer. Everyone's privileges would be taken away and you'll end up in the middle of a massive beating. Girl or not"

I sighed loudly, and she led me to smaller room where not a lot of people sat.

"Hi boys!" Hana called happily "I want you to meet the new girl. My roommate and I think she's my new bestie. Sorry Jin"

"Already met her" Yoongi said.

I noticed Yoongi grinning up at Hana and she just blew him a kiss. I rolled my eyes and Hana pulled me forward.

"I was just explaining the social hierarchies and decided it would be smart for her to meet the ones at the top"

Oh fuck.

J-Hope looked up and smirked at me. I cleared my throat and Hana looked at me with a smile.

"He's hot, isn't he?"

"Babe!" Yoongi said "I'm sitting right here"

Hana rolled her eyes "You can sit with us if you want Harley. Unless you have something better to do. Yoongi, I do what I want so shut up"

"She's friends with Taehyung" J-Hope said, and I looked at him "What wrong friends to have"

"I can be friends with whoever I want" I said, and Hana gasped "See you later Hana"

I turned and left but a hand grabbed my wrist and I turned to see J-Hope's hand.

"I didn't say you could go" He said "You need to know the rules of the school"

"Shut up J-Hoe. You don't rule me" I said "Let me go or I'll make you"

The boy grinned at me and I'm sure Hana started praying for my life. He slowly let go of my wrist.

"I can let you off today. Since you're new. Maybe you should get your dork friends to explain the rules" J-Hoe said.

"Whatever" I muttered, and I quickly walked from the room and searched for the boys.

Jimin saw me looking around and waved me over to the pool table.

"Sweetheart, we've been looking for you" He said "Did you get your room?"

"Yeah" I said "I'm rooming with Hana"

Jungkook dropped his drink and Taehyung choked on his. I frowned at them both.

"What's wrong with Hana?" I asked.

"What's not wrong with her?" Taehyung said taking a deep breath "She's queen here and no one dares to mess with her. Especially cause she's fucking Yoongi and she isn't scared to fight someone 3 times the size of her"

"She practically lives here and knows all the secrets" Jimin said "She's also shit hot but crazy"

I rolled my eyes "Are you scared of her?"

"No" The boys said.

"She's friends with everyone, but you can't mess with her" Taehyung said "She's well protected. Not that she needs it"

"I've seen her knock a guy out with one punch" Jungkook said quietly "Just because he wolf-whistled at her"

"Seriously?" I said, "Wow. Ok then"

"By the way" Taehyung said "I think we should go over the rules"

"Ah, yeah" I said, "J-Hoe already said that"

"You met him again!" Jimin exclaimed "Harley Quinn, you have a death wish"

"Stop calling me that" I snapped "And I do not! Who does he think he is? Making rules. He isn't king"

"More like a God" Taehyung sighed and shook his head "Harley, if you want to survive here you need to follow the rules. Or you die. Simple as"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now