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The boys were on their feet yelling as they watched the fight. Hana was beating the shit out of Maya, and she was finding it harder to defend herself. I stumbled back as they came my way and I was trying to find a way to stop them.

Hana was going to get into so much trouble. Hoebag and his friends just stood their watching and I glared at Yoongi.

"This is your fault!" I hissed, "If you hadn't fucked Maya, this wouldn't be happening"

"Fuck off. This has nothing to do with you"

"You were the one to make my friend cry" I punched him in the stomach "If you aren't going to stop it, then I am"

"Harley! You're going to get yourself hurt" Hoebag shouted as I grabbed hold of Hana "Fuck. Your funeral"

Maya reached for Hana as she tried to get to her feet, but I lifted my knee, catching her chin. She was knocked off her feet and landed on the floor, crying out in pain. Hana punched me in the side and I held in a scream.

"Hey!" I yelled, and she swung for me again. I caught her wrist and she tried to hit me with her other fist "Hana! Stop!"

Hana was trying her best to fight me, and I was confused to why. Shit. She must have been in some rage to be fighting me.

I grunted in pain as she kneed me in the stomach, but I had to stop her from fighting. I held my breath as I swept her from her feet. She crashed onto the floor with a slight scream and I swung my legs over her, sitting on her stomach. I pinned her wrists to the floor and she kicked her legs out trying to get up.

Jesus. She was so slim, yet she had so much strength. Just what was she eating?

"Hana!" I said loudly, and I tried to keep her wrists pinned to the floor "Stop. It's me. Please stop fighting me"

Hana got a hand free and punched me in the side of the head. I yelped in pain and quickly got control of her again. I shoved her hands to her sides and trapped her arms under my knees, but she was still fighting.

"Shit" I said, "Hana. I'm really sorry"

I backhanded her, and the crack echoed through the common room. She blinked away tears and looked up at me. I could see the anger fade from her eyes and her bottom lip trembled. I let her free her arms and she sat up, throwing her arms around my neck, crying loudly.

I hugged her back and glared at Yoongi, who was shifting on his feet. I rubbed the back of Hana's head trying to calm her down.

"It's alright" I sighed.

"I'm sorry" She cried "Did I hurt you? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry about me" I said, "You did hurt Maya though"

I swung my leg off Hana and helped her too her feet. I tried not to show how much pain I was in, but Hana had hit my cut. For someone so slim, she could hit hard. But it was the same as me. I was slim and I could knock a grown man on his ass.

"I hope you learnt your lesson" Hoebag said looking down at Maya "You touch the queen, you get fucked up by the queen"

"She needs to get over the fact that I fucked her precious Yoongi" Maya snapped, getting lifted from the floor "Hana isn't the queen. She's just a bitch that thinks she runs the school just-"

"You didn't fuck me" Yoongi snapped "You sucked my dick"

"That doesn't make it any better!" I said, grabbing hold of Yoongi "Stop fucking around with her feelings you dumbass!"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now