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Jungkook was putting vegetables onto my plate and when Jimin wasn't looking, I was putting them on his plate. I had no idea what the hell we were eating for dinner, but it tasted and looked like shit.

"So, I have thought of a plan" Taehyung said shovelling food into his mouth and as he spoke, it sprayed everywhere "Harley is going to fuck J-Hope and then he is going to help get Kang. How does that sound?"

"I like it apart from me having to fuck Hoebag" I said, "And stop talking with your mouth full. It's disgusting"

"Ok, ok" He said gulping his food down "How about, we hack into the school's computer and see if he is allergic to anything. Or, find out what room he stays in and take things or even take embarrassing photos of him and spread them around the school"

"Why not write to the schools board and say that he is beating a student?" Jungkook asked and we looked over at him "This is why I don't talk"

"No one would believe me" I said, prodding the bouncy mash on my plate "I'd need someone to film it, if we stand a chance of them believing me"

"Sweetheart, I wouldn't be able to just watch you take a beating from him" Jimin said, "I'd jump in and beat him"

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair "What else are we supposed to do?"

"Um" I looked up at the new voice "Y-you've been requested at the h-head table"

"I'm sorry what?" I frowned, and the boy looked over to another table "Are you fucking kidding me? I've been requested? Do you know what, tell them to go fuck themselves"

The boy gasped "I c-can't do that!"

"HQ, this is great!" Taehyung smiled "You can get him on our side and-"

"No. We don't need some hoe to get back at that man" I said, "I am not shifting from this seat"

"They will beat me up!" The boy said grabbing me "Please, just go over there and tell them yourselves"

"This is so Mean Girls" I said, getting to my feet "I'll be right back"

I felt everyone in the canteen watch me as I headed over to Hoebag's table. I had to take a double look because there were two very attractive boys sitting with them. Holy shit. Who were they?

"Hey Trollface" Hoebag said and I ignored him "Oi. I'm talking to you"

"Fuck you, I'm staring at the fine specimen sitting at this table" I said, shooing him away.

Hana giggled "That's Namjoon and Jin"

"I'm Harley" I said and they both smiled at me. I blushed. I was sure of it "Wow. You two are ridiculously hot"

"Do you want to stop flirting with my friends?" Hoebag said.

"Shh. Don't talk. The Gods look like they want to speak" I said, running my hand down his face and his friends laughed "Don't be jealous Hoebag"

"Sit down. We need to talk"

"Why? Who are you?" I said, looking at him. I almost stepped back when he got to his feet. I had probably pissed him off "I won't follow your rules!"

I quickly turned and ran away back to my table.

"What the hell was that about?" Taehyung said as I grabbed my bag "Where are you going?"

"Fuck. J-Hope is coming over" Jimin said "And he looks pissed"

"I'm fucking gone mate!" I said, and I turned to bump into someone "Hey. Fucking watch where you are- Hoebag!"

He grabbed the tops of my arms and I winced in pain "Who said you could run off?"

"I am a free independent woman!" I said loudly and everyone in the canteen turned to watch what was going on "I won't be following your rules because I don't have rules"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Freedom!" I yelled, and I shoved him away from me. Shit. What the fuck was wrong with me?

Hoebag reached for me again, but I jumped onto the table and ran across the tables trying to escape him. As I jumped from the first table, he was already reaching for me. How could he run so fast?

Wait...maybe I was the slow runner. No wonder I got arrested so many times.

"You aren't going anywhere" Hoebag snapped in my ear and he wrapped his arms around my chest lifting me from the floor. I grunted out in pain and he quickly let me go. I hunched over slightly, holding my bruises ribs "Harley? Are you hurt again?"

"N-no!" I lied and stood up. But I couldn't hide the pain from my face "I'm fine"

Hoebag's face darkened slightly "Did he beat you again?"

"Y-you think I'd let that man hurt me? Hah! You are so wrong" I said, backing away from him.

"Harley" He said, looking at me still holding the cut "Is that blood?"

"Blood?" I said and looked down "Shit. Yeah. That's blood"

"Why are you bleeding?"

Shit. I had to get away from him. I needed to see Poppy but with him still following me, it was going to be impossible to run off...unless.

"Jesus, Hoebag" I said loudly "Do you not know what a period is?"

"What?" He frowned "But-"

"I'm bleeding from my vagina!" I said, and his face went bright red "See ya!"

I quickly ran away leaving him frozen on the spot. I laughed and quickly stopped, as I rushed away. I slowed down as I reached the main building, and I almost collapsed into the side. I could barely hold myself up and guards passed me not giving a shit. They just chuckled at my pain.


I managed to walk to the nurse's station before falling to my knees. She rushed over to me and helped me to the bed, where I finally let myself cry. I was in so much pain, and she did her best to patch me up and recheck all the bruises. When Kang had punched me yesterday, he stopped the cut from healing completely. Poppy said that I would need stitches and had to go to hospital for that.

"Harley, I know you don't want to go, but I don't have the equipment to do that here" She said, and I whined "Please, let me just get you to hospital and I can have you patched up properly. They will need to give you an x-ray as well, just to check to see if you have any broken bones"

"They aren't broken" I said quietly "I've had broken ribs before. I'm just bruised"

Poppy rubbed her eyes and put her glasses back on "Fine. But I am calling the hospital. You need to get stitches"

I sighed as she went to make the call. I stared at the ceiling and almost screamed when a face appeared in front of mine.

"Shit" I said, trying to calm my heart down "You could have made some noise"

Taehyung smiled "Where is the fun in that? You have to go to hospital"

"I do"

"Then I'm coming with you" He said, with a sinister smile.

"What are you planning?"

Taehyung carried on smiling "Don't you worry about a thing HQ. I am a fucking genius"

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