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"I'm Harley's boyfriend. Why? Who are you?" Hoebag said, and my eyes went so wide I thought they were going to pop out.

"Hoebag!" I hissed and hit him in the stomach "I am not-"

"What is going on here?" I heard a new voice say. We all looked up to see a few security guards standing there watching us "Well?"

"We're trying to decide the best place to have a massive orgy" I said, "Can you recommend a place? Oh! And the closet place to get condoms and lube? Nobody likes a dry asshole"

The security guard stuttered on his words, and they quickly rushed off.

"Well" Jin said sliding his arm around my waist "If you wanted to have sex, we can always disappear"

"Let's go" I said, trying to pull him away from his friends but he laughed "You think I'm joking?"

"You will never change, you fucking hoe" Zico laughed, and he ruffled my hair "We have some stuff to do, so we'll see you tomorrow night. Just let us know where we are meeting"

"Got ya!" I said, moving behind Jin to push him. My friends walked off still laughing and Jin wasn't budging "Don't offer sex if you don't want to get to it"

Jin laughed "Harley, if I have sex with you, you won't be able to walk for a week"

I gasped "That's exactly what I need. A good seeing to"

"But, Hoseok would also try and gut me like a fish" Jin chuckled and hugged me "Sorry baby, but maybe next time"

I sighed "Damnit. I want to find out what it's like to have sex with a god"

Namjoon laughed "Are you that desperate?"

"Yes!" I said, and I moved to Namjoon "Why? Are you? Because I'm sure I could help you out"

"Enough flirting with my friends" Hoebag said, grabbing my arm "Let's go. We still need to talk"

"But I don't want to talk to a peasant" I said, pulling my arm away "You aren't my boyfriend so don't go around telling my friends that you are! I'm single and I need to get laid by a super hot guy called Namjin"

"Who is Namjin?" Hoebag frowned "And I said it to get rid of them"

"Well that was rude" I said, "They are my friends. You aren't"

"Who the hell is Namjin?"

I grinned "Namjoon and Jin"

Hoebag just looked at me like I was an idiot "You're so...weird"

"What's your point?" I pushed him "I won't talk to you because I don't like you and I don't want to follow your rules Your rules can kiss my ass"

Hoebag smirked "Don't like me? Then how do you explain what we got up to the other night?"

My face burnt "Heat of the moment. It won't happen again"

"It will" Hoebag shrugged.

"Yoongi, do you have shit under your nose?" I said, glaring at him "Cause that look you are giving me is going to be wiped from that mug of yours"

Yoongi tutted "Whatever. I'm going back to school. Seeing this girls face has ruined my good mood"

"Have you ever been in a good mood?" I asked, and he walked away "What does Hana see in that dick head?"

"They have a long history together" Namjoon said, "Not my place to say. Harley, are you going to wear a dress tomorrow night? Cause I'd happily pay for that dress you had on, just so I could stare at your ass all night"

The school slammed the gates behind us and we were panting hard. I bent over at the waist and coughed.

"Shit" I said, "I have to stop smoking"

"You need to build your stamina" Hana said, "Taehyung, we almost missed the curfew because of you. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Erm" Taehyung said, "Sorry I found myself chatting up hot girls?"

"If we don't get to the canteen in the next 5 minutes, we aren't going to be allowed out" Jungkook said "Kang has a lecture for those leaving"

I started to run off and they easily caught me. Taehyung and Jimin were in front so they hit the canteen doors first and screamed as they lost their footing. Everyone looked up from what they were doing to see who tripped up. I laughed and left them face down on the floor. Hana followed me as well, but she took the long way around to avoid Yoongi's table.

Jungkook quickly followed Hana, but I saw him glare at Yoongi before he sat down next to her.

"That sucked" Taehyung said, dropping into the seat next to me "You could have helped us up"

"Why would I want to do that?" I grinned "It was funnier to leave you on the floor"

"I think I broke my arm" Jimin said, "Taehyung landed on me"

A siren sounded and everyone sitting in the canteen jumped. No one had time to talk about it because Kang and his army of guards stormed into the canteen.

"Everyone on their feet!" He yelled. Someone was in a bad mood and I hoped he kept away from me. I didn't need to be beaten again. Not when my bruises were starting to heal.

"You are going to be searched" He said loudly "Everyone get in a line and make your way to the main building. Did I say you could bring your food? Get moving!"

"Shit" Taehyung said, "If he catches me with condoms I am going to be screwed"

I snorted "Why did you buy them? You know you can't bring back a random girl"

"I have them because if I get to fuck a random girl, I need to be prepared"

"Or you could have bought some tomorrow"

Taehyung smacked his forehead "Shit. I got too ahead of myself"

"Just say you enjoy a posh wank" Jimin laughed "Or just stick them in your boxers. They won't strip search you"

"HQ help me out"

"Do you want me to get beaten?" I asked "Kang has it out for me. If he finds me with them, I will end up staying the night in hospital. He's already warned me that if I step out of line, he'll up the beatings"

"Shit" Taehyung chewed his lip "I'll use a posh wank as an excuse. The guards know I've not had sex on school property"

We reached the main building quickly and were separated into groups, so they could search our belongings.

"Taehyung" I whispered "Slip your condoms into my tampon box"

"What?" He said, "What if you get caught?"

"They won't search tampons" I said, and we discreetly hid the condoms "You just owe me"

I stopped at the table and scowled when Kang appeared. He emptied my bag over the floor and bent down to pick something up. That wasn't mine. Wait, what the fuck!

"Miss Chae" He smirked "Care to explain what you are doing with a knife?"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now