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Lina screamed when she saw Hoseok and I holding hands, and she charged over and crashed into me. Hoseok had to catch us so we didn't fall to the floor and Jin ran over and crashed into Hoseok.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" Hoseok hissed and tried to get Jin off him "Jin, I will beat the shit out of you if you don't let me go!"

"I'm so happy!" Lina giggled, "Oh wow. I brought some makeup if you want to cover the hickeys?"

My eyes went wide and I moved my hair to cover my neck "I don't know what you are talking about. No hickeys there"

Lina smirked "Of course not. Is that where you ran off to?"

"Oh my fucking god!" I exclaimed "Lina! What is wrong with you?"

"There are many things wrong with me princess," Lina smiled "Mum is going to be so happy"

I tutted "What's there to be happy about?"

"Because you have a boyfriend and mum gets excited over things like that," Lina sighed, "You saw her when I introduced her to jin properly. I was sure she was making plans to steal him from me"

"You're the only one for me, babe," Jin winked at her.

Hoseok and I pretended to be sick, and Jin smacked Hoseok on the shoulder. Hoseok grabbed my hand and pulled me after him. I could feel people staring but I knew it wasn't because my lipstick was smudged. I sorted that shit out straight away. I didn't want to be one of those hoes that get laughed at in the club because their lipstick was smudged and on another guy.

We walked by Yoongi and Hana dancing and I laughed to myself. She found him then but they looked cute together and Yoongi was smiling widely at her.

"Harley," Hoseok said and pulled me to a stop "Did you want to dance?"

"Huh, why?"

"Because you are staring at them dancing"

"Oh, no. I'm good. No dancing for me," I said and smiled "Erm, your parents are coming over"

Hoseok tutted and turned to face them "Parents. What can I do for you?"

Sunghook sighed "Son, we came to talk to you like adults. So please show a little bit more respect"

Hoseok ran his tongue over his teeth "So, what do you want?"

"Darling," Jisook smiled, "We came to tell you that we are proud of the man you have become"


"Ever since you were a child, you were headstrong and you did what you wanted. We were proud of you then, but when your sister passed away, you changed," She sighed "Anyone would change, but no. Don't walk away Hoseok. This is important"

I grabbed hold of his tie and yanked him back. He glared at me but I didn't care. He had parents that loved him and he needed a relationship with them. Even if he didn't like the line of business they were in.

"I'll leave you to it," I said and Hoseok wrapped his arm around my neck pulling me against him.

"You aren't going anywhere," He said.

His parents smiled softly at him and Sunghoon put his hand on Hoseok's shoulder.

"In a way, I'm upset that you don't want to carry on our family name. With the path you took, I automatically thought you would want to take over from us," He said, "But from the way you are around Harley, I can see that this isn't the job for you"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now