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Jungkook was going to die and I was making plans on how I was going to kill him. I was standing with Yoojung and a few other people. She was introducing me as her daughter and everyone gushed over me. It was so uncomfortable and if anyone hugged me again, I was going to punch a bitch.

What was with people and fucking hugging me?

"Harley," Yoojung said, "I want you to meet someone but if you don't want to hug them, just hold your hand out to stop them"

"Why do strangers want to touch me?" I said, rubbing the top of my arm "I only let certain people do that. They don't know me so why feel the need to put their hands on me?"

Yoojung smiled "Have you spoken to your counsellor about that?"

"Yeah but she keeps going back to Hyungwon's death. I don't want to talk about that either," I muttered.

"Come on, honey," She said, "These people are supporters of my husband's charity. They aren't the people to hug either, they will shake your hand. I promise you they won't hug you"

I sighed "Alright but if they go to touch me other than my hand, I will have to punch them"

Yoojung chuckled and led the way over to a couple, standing near the stage. They smiled widely as we approached and they both hugged Yoojung. I almost frowned at the couple and they smiled at me. I could tell that the clothes they were wearing were expensive and they had an air of importance about them. Her dress fit her body like skin, showing curves in all the right places and she was gorgeous, there was no doubt about that. And his suit was immaculate and when he dropped his jacket from his shoulders, I could see that the fabric of his shirt looked like it struggled to keep his muscles hidden.

"Harley, this is Sunghoon and Jisook," Yoojung smiled at me, "We go way back and despite their line of work, they support this charity and my late husband"

"Nice to meet you," Sunghoon said holding his hand out to shake mine "We have heard a lot about you"

"It isn't true," I said, shaking his hand and he chuckled "If it's good things, then I did it"

"Sweetheart," Yoojung said, "They won't judge you for your past. Trust me."

"It's lovely to meet you," Jisook said shaking my hand "Yoojung, you were right about her. She really is beautiful"

I felt my face burn "I wouldn't say that"

"So sweet," Jisook smiled at me "You look lovely"

"You should have seen me covered in bruises," I scoffed and they just smiled at me "What? You think I'm joking?"

"Yoojung, you would have done your husband proud," Sunghoon said with a small smile "This young lady is the definition of what he stood for"

"Oh, stop it," Yoojung said, her eyes tearing up, "Kibum wouldn't want me to cry today"

Sunghoon smiled fondly at her "I suppose that is true. Oh, just the person I wanted to see. I would like you to meet my son. My love, this is Hoseok"

My heart stopped beating on me and I slowly turned to see Hoseok walking closer, with his hands stuffed into his suit trousers. His newly coloured light pink hair was swept from his face freeing his forehead and who knew that a fucking forehead would make me weak at the knees. I didn't think that he would look so hot in a suit. His tie wasn't pushed up to his top button on his shirt, showing some of his tattoos and that was so fucking hot. Hoseok walked like he owned the place and I saw other women checking him out.

I couldn't help but check this guy out from head to toe and he hadn't even noticed me. I almost laughed at his choice in footwear. A pair of black and white converse. And here I was in a pair of fucking heels.

Hoseok looked up from the floor and he tripped when he caught eyes with me. I heard him curse and then he wasn't cool anymore. I burst into laughter and I could feel his parents looking at me. I laughed even harder when he got near and I could see how embarrassed he was.

"You looked cool only for a moment!" I laughed, "Then you went and ruined it"

"Me tripping up was your fault!" Hoseok exclaimed "You made me lose my footing"

"How was it my fault? You should know how to walk by now Hoseok,"

"Do you know each other?" Jisook asked, looking at us both "Why did I ask that? You went to the same school"

"Of course we know each other," Hoseok said, not looking at me and I could still see the red tinge to his cheeks "Mum, why are you even standing with this troll?"

"And we are back to calling me a troll,"

"What would you rather me call you? My girlfriend? Because you don't fit that category anymore" He snapped and folded his arms.

"Ouch," I said, looking away from him "It was nice meeting you two, but I'm going to stand with my friends now"

They went to say something but I walked away. I heard Hoseok sigh and I'm sure his mum called him an asshole. To think I was going to apologise to him for not talking to him in over a month. I felt bad enough as it was but I was dealing with some shit and I didn't want to bother him over something so pathetic.

"How did it go?" Jimin asked, "Ok. With that look, I know how it went"

"He's such an asshole," I said quietly, "Jungkook, I won't be doing any dare that involves him"

Jungkook just nodded "Did you want a drink?"

"That probably isn't a good idea with the way I'm feeling," I sighed, "I'm just going to get some fresh air. I'll be back in a bit"

"Need any company while you smoke?" Jimin asked and I shook my head "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'd rather be alone right now," I said and walked away with a sigh "You are so fucking dumb Harley. What is wrong with you?"



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