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By the time the boys dragged me back to class, I had calmed down and didn't want to rip that bastards head off. Jungkook pushed the door open and we all walked in, making the class go silent. The teacher scowled at us, but we ignored him and went to our seats.

"Where did you go?" The teacher snapped "You will get-"

"We were having a foursome" I said "Did you want to see the footage?"

The teacher sucked in air and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm joking" I said "Jeez. Don't pop a boner over that thought"

"Did you want me to get Mr Kang back in here?" The teacher smirked at me and I gritted my teeth "No? I didn't think so. You can get the notes from Hoseok. The next lesson is a study session, so no one is to leave, or you will be in trouble"

I sat in silence for the rest of the class and I stared out the small windows beside me. When the siren went I leapt from my seat making Hoebag laugh quietly.

"Harley" Hana said, and I looked up "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine"

"Your nose is growing" She smiled slightly.

I forced a smile "What more do you want me to say? That bastard shouldn't have said shit"

"HQ, want some food?" Taehyung said turning in his chair "I snuck some food in"

I took the crisps from him but Hoebag snatched them from me. I went to grab them back, but his hand grabbed my chin.

"Rule number 1" Hoebag said "If you eat in class, the food is mine"

"Fuck you Hoebag" I launched myself across his lap to grab the packet and I managed to pull it from his hand "Yes! All mine"

"Rule number 2" Hoebag said and his hands pressed against my back pinning me to his thighs "If you throw yourself on me I get to do this"


I screamed out as he smacked my ass and I dug my elbow into his thigh and quickly climbed off him. Before I could think I punched him as hard as I could in the jaw. His head snapped to the side and the class gasped. Hana's eyes went wide, and my friends smacked their faces.

"Don't you fucking touch me you hoe!" I shouted and went to punch him again, but he moved quickly and caught my fist "Hey!"

He stood up and towered over me, and it wasn't like I was short. I almost gulped at how dark his eyes went but I wasn't going to show him any emotion other than anger.

"Harley" He said quietly "You need to understand a few things about this school and me"

"I don't give a shit" I hissed "What right do you have to smack my ass?"

Hoebag's grip tightened "I can make it even worse for you here. No one goes against me unless you are stupid or-"

"Miss Chae!"

"Ah fuck" I muttered as Mr Kang walked into the class.

"Jung, let the scum go. She needs to come with me"

Hoebag looked at me "I can look after you, but you'll need to do as I say"

"No thanks. Hoebag"

"Hoebag?" He glared at me and I pulled my arm away from him "Big mistake Harley. I warned you"

"Scumbag let's go!" My Kang shouted "Or do I have to come and get you"

"Last chance for me to help you Harley" Hoebag said quietly.

"I've never needed help" I said stubbornly "What makes you think I need it now?"

Hoebag let out a huff "You've just made a dangerous enemy"

Mr Kang grabbed hold of the front of my shirt and yanked me forward. I took my eyes from Hoebag and looked up at the guy holding me.

"Flirting is against the rules" He smirked "But then again, no one in their right mind would want to flirt with a murderer"

"Take your hands off her" Hoebag said, and I looked over at him "Remove your hands"

Mr Kang scoffed and shoved me hard. The force and strength threw me off my feet and I fell to the floor, bashing my hip on the chair as I landed on the floor. I winced as my previous bruises flared up in pain. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to ignore the pain shooting through my body.

"This is just a warning scum" Mr Kang chuckled, and he walked off.

My friends rushed to my side and I yelped out as Jungkook pulled me to my feet.

"Did you hit yourself that hard sweetheart?" Jimin asked.

I shook my head "No...I mean yeah"

Hoebag scoffed and shook his head "That's bullshit"

"Fuck you" I said, rubbing my ribs and he just stared at me.

"Who beat you before you got here?" He asked, moving my friends out the way. I stepped away from him until my back touched the wall and he pinned me to it, his hands either side of my head "Well? The bruises on your face tell a story you troll"

I narrowed my eyes "Shall I punch you again, Hoebag?"

He smirked "You really think that punch hurt me?"

"Ok ladies!" Hana said pulling Hoebag away from me "That is enough for the day. Don't you think?"

"Harley!" Jungkook said, "You're bleeding!"

I glanced down at my shirt and my eyes went wide "Oh shit!"

"She's having her period!" Jimin said "No wait. Sorry. I panicked"

I rolled my eyes and lifted my top, so reveal a cut that had been reopened. Damn my fucking foster dad.

"I'll take you to the nurse" Taehyung said, and I saw him smile slightly. He just wanted to see the hot nurse.

"Just get me a tissue and I'll be fine" I said, "Can everyone stop fucking looking at me like I'm a freak show?"

Hana glared at everyone and the boys quickly turned their heads. Apart from the girl on the other side of the class. Her eyes were narrowed, and she was still wearing that ugly scowl.

"How did you get cut?" Hoebag said.

"Nothing to do with you" I said, pushing his hands away from me "If you carry on trying to touch me I will fucking hurt you"

Hoebag smirked "If you say so Troll"

"Here" Jimin said, pressing a tissue to the cut. I hissed out in pain and he patted my shoulder and sighed "How did you do that?"

"Fighting" I muttered. They didn't need to know how it really happened.

"What the hell happened here?"

I glanced up and saw a new teacher had walked in. His eyes were wide as he stared at me and Jimin.

"Get her to the nurses office. I don't want blood in my classroom"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now