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Blood was trickling down the side of my mouth and every time I tried to lick it away, more fell. I was struggling to stay on my feet but I refused to go down. I was a fighter. I wasn't scared of a fight and I never turned one down.

But right now? I wished I never ran away from Hoebag. 

"You think you're so special" Hyungwon chuckled and wrapped my hair around his hand and he yanked my head back, exposing my neck to him "I remember when I used to leave marks all over you. You'd look even better and I knew that you belonged to me"

"I never belonged to you" I said through gritted teeth "You're just fucking crazy and I don't deal with crazy mother-"

Hyungwon jabbed me in the throat and I dropped to the floor, clutching my neck, trying to breathe.

"What the fuck Hyungwon!" Wonho said, "You said-"

"Shut up" Hyungwon said, lifting his hand "She's breathing still. See"

It felt like my head was about to explode but I was able to suck in some air, my throat burning with every breath I managed. My body was now shaking and I opened my mouth to say something, but blood dropped onto my hands. I coughed, and ended up spraying blood onto his trainers.

I was just happy my friends managed to get away.  When we split up, we agreed to meet in the forest but I ran into a teacher and had to make a quick get away. It was one of Kang's right hand man but I should have stayed with the teacher. 

But I didn't know that Hyungwon had followed me since I ran away from Hoebag. I didn't know that he was going to drag me into the locked building and I didn't know that he was going to beat me to the brink of death.

Maybe this was what I deserved for being a bad teenager. Maybe karma decided to finally take its revenge. Tears pooled in my eyes and dripped from my face, mixing with the blood on my hand. I started to cry quietly, and I clenched my fists, wanting to be stronger. But I was weak.

I couldn't even save my older brother, so why would I be able to save myself?

Hyungwon started to laugh, and he kicked me onto my back and pressed his foot down on my chest, putting half his weight on me. He grinned widely as I cried underneath his foot.

"How sweet" He laughed "Harley has emotions. I never thought I would see the day where you cried. Maybe if you had done as I told since we first got back together, then none of-"

I cut him off by laughing "Back together?" I croaked out "Please...even if getting with you, was to save me from death...I'd rather fucking die...you piece of shit"

Hyungwon upped the pressure on my chest "If you wish to die...then I will be the one to grant it"

"Wait" Shownu said "You told us that you will-"

"I would stay quiet" Hyungwon snapped "Unless you want to die as well"

"But you can't-"

"It's fine" I coughed "Let him do it. He's wanted to do it since he found out I fucked Wonho"

Hyungwon chuckled "Kitten, I knew you fucked him. I'm not as stupid as you think I am"

"No...you are probably more stupid than I originally thought" I hissed and glared at him "Go on. Just fucking kill me already. I'm done waiting. Get it over with or are you a fucking pussy?"

"Harley, you can't-" Jooheon started but Hyungwon turned on him. Jooheon screamed out in pain and my eyes went wide as blood dripped from the gash in his cheek "Fuck!"

Hyungwon gripped the knife tightly in his hand "Anyone else want to stop this? I will kill you too"

My eyes went wide as he straddled my chest and pressed the tip of the knife against my throat. I was frozen. I couldn't even breathe. My body was struck with fear and so much regret. I had so many things that I had wanted to do and now it was too late.

It was too late to forgive my brother. It was too late to go to my parents grave and tell them that I forgive them and it was too late to try and be normal. I knew I would never live to my twenties, but with the knife pressed against my throat, it all seemed too real.

"Any last words?" Hyungwon said and I looked at his friends who were staring wide eyed at us. A few of them had something pressed to Jooheon's cute face and I was sure the others were in shock. Probably scared to move. I'd probably be stabbed before they tried to move.

I looked back up at Hyungwon and smiled sadly. If I was going to die, then I was going to die making him feel like a complete cunt.

"Yeah" I said quietly "I do"

"Then you better hurry up and speak" He grinned "Because I can't wait to carve out your voice box. I've been wanting to do this for so long"

"I'm sorry" I said, and he frowned slightly "I'm sorry that your dick was never big enough or good enough to make me orgasm"

"You fucking-"

"Do you know how often I faked it with you?" I screamed "You worthless, dick less piece of shit! I hope you fucking rot in hell!"

Hyungwon lifted his arm to stab me and I squeezed my eyes shut, whimpering, getting ready to die. But his weight was suddenly shifted from me and I heard a strangled yell. I opened my eyes and screamed at what I saw.

Jaeho was standing above Hyungwon, who was bleeding from his neck. His hands were trying to stop the bleeding, but from what I saw, the cut was too deep for him to live for much longer. I sat up watching Hyungwon bleed to death and I even saw the life drain from his eyes.

My stomach churned and I threw up. I screamed once again when Hyungwon's blood pooled around my hand and I scrambled away from it, backing myself into the corner. I looked back up at Jaeho and he threw the knife to the floor and made his way over to me, his clothes and face sprayed with blood.

I flinched as he reached for me, but he lifted me into his arms anyway, carrying me over the body of Hyungwon. He carried me outside and put me gently on the floor. He smiled softly and put his bloody hands on my cheeks, making me look at him. I couldn't stop my body from shaking and as I stared into Jaeho's dark eyes, I remembered how much I loved him as my big brother. I remembered how he looked after me and bailed me out of jail so many times.

The way he picked me up from school and helped me when I needed him. And now he was a murderer. He was sent to this school to stop him from crime and now he killed Hyungwon.

"You'll be safe now Harls" He said, rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs "He will never hurt you again"

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now