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Hyungwon made it pretty clear to the other students that I belonged to him, and that was when people started whispering about me. I chose to ignore the way people spoke about me, but I didn't blame them. Everyone though Hoebag wanted me and here I was sitting next to Hyungwon, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I was more annoyed that they were calling me a bad friend and that Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook were stupid to even want to be friends with someone so disloyal.

What a load of horse shit.

I would have beaten them if I wasn't in this school, but I had to be on my best behaviour or I'd be sent to juvie. To be honest, I wasn't sure if Kang was putting anything against my name purely because he enjoyed beating me. I'd have to do something extreme to be sent to juvie, and I wasn't going to do anything that extreme. Unless it meant seeing Kang suffer for beating me, then yeah, I'd jump on that idea.

But then I wouldn't see my friends every day and I'd be facing scarier girls in juvie than I had faced on the streets. I sighed and poked the food on my plate. The boys were ignoring me, but I knew Hyungwon kept an eye on me. I could feel his eyes burn holes in the side of my face. It was like he was scared I was going to run off. I had to be around him, or he'd hurt my friends or get me sent to prison for something I didn't do.

I hated my life and I wanted to change that, but the world didn't throw me any life lines. It never had, and it probably never would. Adults were supposed to help kids like me, but they didn't. They brushed us under the carpet, ignoring our silent pleas for help or they sent us to a school like this were we are treated like hardcore criminals or beaten by the owner. I bit into my lip knowing that even when I got out of this shit hole, my foster parents wouldn't make my life any better and I still hadn't heard from Jaeho. It was like he didn't want anything to do with me anymore.

"Babe" Hyungwon said "Are you up for that?"

"Up for what?" I muttered.

"The boys and I are playing pool tonight"

I didn't bother looking at him "Do I even have a choice?"

"If you didn't say yes, you could have stayed with that girl" Hyungwon shrugged "That dark haired girl that doesn't fucking shut up"

"If you are talking about Hana, then you should shut up" I said "You don't get to chat shit about my friends if you don't know them"

Hyungwon made me look at him "If you want her to walk tomorrow, you should keep your mouth shut"

I glared at him "Don't threaten her because-"

"I do what I want and when I want" Hyungwon smirked "Unless you want to see your friend limping or in hospital, then I suggest you don't chat shit to me"

I turned away from him, but he grabbed my face, making me look at him. I gritted my teeth and resisted the urge to but him in the nose.

"What will it be baby?" He said, "Spend time with me and the boys, or catch up with that loud bitch?"

"Spend time in my room with the loud bitch"

He grinned and kissed me "Well then. If by chance, one of us comes to your room to check up on you and you aren't there, you know what will happen...right?"

I nodded and bit the inside of my cheek. He kissed me again, then hugged me.

"Good girl" Hyungwon chuckled and his friends smirked "I challenge you first Jooheon"

"Whatever" Jooheon shrugged and he looked at me. I turned away to stare at my food that hadn't been touched. Being around these guys made me lose my appetite. I wanted to be sitting with my friends, throwing food at them and thinking about how to carry on with our revenge plan.

"I'm going to the toilet" I said, getting to my feet and Hyungwon grabbed hold of me "What? I can't even piss without you?"

Hyungwon smirked "Not me. You can take Shownu"

"No" I said, "I'm not pissing with him outside"

"I don't trust you to just go to the toilet"

I sighed "That's your problem. Not mine. You really think I'm going to have sex instead of a piss?"

Hyungwon glared at me "I'd watch what you say around me Harley"

I rolled my eyes and pulled my arm away from him and cleared my throat, getting ready to shout at everyone in the canteen.

"Hey everyone!" I yelled "I'm going for a piss! I don't want to fuck any of you dick heads, are we clear? Cause Hyungwon thinks I'm going to fuck someone instead of piss!"

Everyone started to laugh, and I looked down at Hyungwon, who was red in anger.

"See?" I said stepping away from him "I don't have sex with every Tom, Dick and Harry...well, unless you are called Namjin then boy, I would hop on their dicks like my life-"

Hyungwon's slap to my face made everyone silent. I put my hand to my throbbing cheek and he grabbed hold of my shirt, pulling me into him.

"Shall I beat your pathetic ass up in front of the whole school?" He hissed at me "Count yourself lucky that it was just a slap I sent you. I'd like to see your friends faces when I leave you unconscious on the floor"

"Hyungwon!" A teacher yelled "Get your ass to Mr Kang right now"

"No problem" He smirked and pushed me. I fell back against the table, and I winced as I knocked the bruises Kang left "I'll see you later babe. Don't forget what I said"

I ran my tongue over my teeth and his friends were smirking. Apart from Jooheon. He was just staring at his food, not able to look at me. I didn't know if he was on my side or not, but he didn't do anything to stop his friend from hitting me.

"That will teach you to keep your mouth shut" Shownu said getting to his feet "Hurry up and go for a piss. I don't really want to be your babysitter"

"I don't need a babysitter" I said pushing him away from me "Don't fucking touch me"

"Do you want him to hit you harder next time?" Shown said, glaring at me "Or do you want me to punch you?"

I scoffed "To think you guys were my friends. You never would have threatened to punch me before. I'm glad that you aren't my friends anymore...you're all fucking cowards"

They didn't say anything, but I knew that obviously hurt them. If it wasn't for Hyungwon going crazy, we'd still be friends, but they were scared of him. The guy was crazy, but his dad was in the mafia. He thought that he was better than everyone else just because his dad was a dangerous man.

"Stay away from me" I said as Shownu reached for me "I'm not your friend. I'm just some girl you have to babysit cause you're shit scared of that bastard. I said don't touch me!"

"Harley" Wonho said, standing up "You-"

"Fuck you" I said and walked away from them, rubbing my cheek. I swallowed back tears from the pain shooting through my body and I headed to the toilets. I locked myself in and did what I had to.

When I came out, I stared at myself in the mirror. I grimaced at the bruises dotted around my face and I lifted my top up revealing the bruises Kang had made worse. There hadn't been a day in my life when I was free of bruises. I was sure that I was born with bruises. My parents had beaten me since I was young, so why would it change? Why would I have a body with no bruises? It had been a norm for me.

I took a deep breath and stared at my reflection. But they wouldn't get the best of me.

Troublemaker [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now